What is your Trophy taxidermy protocol?

It's gonna be euro's for myself, from here on out, with the exception of sheep and my first 350+ inch elk. Now i can't speak for the wife and kids, as she feels she needs to get everything mounted
I really love keeping the antlers, skulls, hides from all my hunts. My garage and office are an obscene mess with them. I have a sunken living room in my basement with a fireplace and a 12 ft ceiling. I have a couple dozen animals in there. I love hanging in that room. Took a few pictures, most of my favorites are in there. My MT Shiras from 2007 is right over the mantle. There’s so many other great hunts that I get to remember while in that room.
I'm also a European fan. I hope to someday shoot a bighorn sheep, and I'm sure i'd mount that up if I did. Otherwise, most likely I'll be cleaning the skull which I do myself. Last animals I had mounted up were my son's first mule deer (2012), my mtn goat (2012) and a nice bull elk I arrowed in 2013.

I wasn't happy with the mtn goat taxidermy as the form was nowhere representative of how big the head was on the goat. I had replica horns used, as I did a European of the actual goat.
The actual goat sits on my mantle. If you haven’t handled many mtn goats you wouldn’t recognize how nice he is - made B&C awards. I’m a big antelope guy, love hunting them. The antelope next to the goat is a real stud 17” green, 85 gross and very heavy. He made all-time B&C and I debated mounting him on a pedestal made from a matched set of elk and deer antlers I found within 1/2 mile of where I got him. @HalfAce killed the buck this fall.
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I have them pretty jam packed in my den that it’s hard to appreciate the individual animals. Especially the antelope..
Those are all B&C heads except the right most freak. My Dad & I both shot the mounted buck in the center. He shot it first so he claimed it. I entered it in the B&C records after he passed away.
A grand collection. A lot of hard hunting represented there. I have never seen so many pronghorn. Love that Muley too
15 seasons ago I convinced @BuzzH that he needed to guide me in a WY wilderness area. He snagged a non- commercial guide permit and we went hunting. Day before opener - we both decided this was a “pass” buck and camped higher in the mtns. Buzz spotted him. Later on the opener I told Buzz I wanted to go back and look for him if he didn’t mind. I got him, then a bear on his rib cage the next AM, and a good pronghorn in southern Wyoming a couple days later.. it was a great week in Wyoming.
I'm going hunting for the first time this year, but my dad has already hunted elk and pronghorn for about 10 years in SE Wyoming. I think he got a shoulder mount done with his 1st speedgoat, and then a European mount with my sister's first kill (also speedgoat). If I get my speedgoat buck this year I'll probably ask him if he could get it mounted as a Christmas present.

However, I'm only really interested in mounting it since it'll be my first hunt (if I'm successful) Most of the time we hunt to fill the freezer. If I'm successful in getting my buck this year I'll probably put in for doe tags only next year, since they're easier to find and have a bit more meat on them.
This one’s a favorite for sure. First saw him in 2001 when I was possessed with a regular 16” B&C antelope. Shot that regular one & came back the next year and got this guy during archery season. Decoyed him in, & made a bad hit, followed him around all day before connecting again. Great buck, 81-7/8 gross I think.
The one I took the year prior..
I think 2008. Was glassing a great B&C caliber buck during rifle season, moved in for a shot & the buck went over a hill with a handful of does. I went and peeked over the hill and saw several dozen more antelope and started looking them over. Didn’t look a second past this one. Not extra big but very unique.
2000 was a great year. My son was born in December. I got bear (7’ monster), B&C antelope, 188” mule deer & 40” shiras moose in Wyoming, 340” P&Y elk, 6.5’ bear, 160” mule deer, B&C pronghorn in MT. That stuff hangs in the house, office.
My Wy moose..
My WY mule deer (lots of nontypical on his burrs), my 1st bull elk behind him.

Wyoming bear - 19-15/16 skull.

Wyoming B&C pronghorn 2000.
MT archery elk 1-1/8 total deduct, officially measured. 1” was the 1st circumference due to a small devil tine on the left side. Even as they get.
the MT pronghorn

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I have them pretty jam packed in my den that it’s hard to appreciate the individual animals. Especially the antelope..
View attachment 157983
Those are all B&C heads except the right most freak. My Dad & I both shot the mounted buck in the center. He shot it first so he claimed it. I entered it in the B&C records after he passed away.
Antelope don’t get me going but that is impressive.

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