What is your take on the new 7mm Backcountry?

I mean, what was wrong with the good 'ol aught-six and seven Mauser after all? :D
(only halfway kidding. I mean, those two can still cover 95% of our uses!)

Gun and ammo makers know all too well there will always be a market made up of guys who want to say they own what they believe others want most.
Gun and ammo makers know all too well there will always be a market made up of guys who want to say they own what they believe others want most.
And bow companies, and camo companies, and golf companies, and phone companies, and car companies, and camera companies... :D Marketing sells product because they know how weak we are. LOL
And bow companies, and camo companies, and golf companies, and phone companies, and car companies, and camera companies... :D Marketing sells product because they know how weak we are. LOL

And if there is any truth to the high pressures being created by this new load to achieve the rated velocities, we can include barrel makers as well.
Hell yeah! 🤘

A new cartridge with its main selling point being a 1000 yard hunting rifle, exactly what we needed!!! I hear it's so deadly, you don't even have to look for blood/the animal if it didn't drop in its tracks because nothing can survive even the most marginal of hits with that baby!!! #FeakenLazerBeam #Deadly #7mmBackCountry #DeaderThanDead #IfItsBrownAt1000YardsItsDown
Not everyone. My last new rifle purchase was in 2000. Probably my last. mtmuley
Forky, why is that sad? What I have works. If the stars align I would like to have a nice Remington bolt rifle in .22. Other than that, I'm good. mtmuley
Hell yeah! 🤘

A new cartridge with its main selling point being a 1000 yard hunting rifle, exactly what we needed!!! I hear it's so deadly, you don't even have to look for blood/the animal if it didn't drop in its tracks because nothing can survive even the most marginal of hits with that baby!!! #FeakenLazerBeam #Deadly #7mmBackCountry #DeaderThanDead #IfItsBrownAt1000YardsItsDown
The inconvenient truth about long range hunting that nobody ever talks about is the difficulty in knowing exactly where an animal was standing when you shot, after you travel across a ridge or ravine or river or two in fading light. Makes a person wonder how may wounded animals were "clean misses" according to the shooter. The ability of a cartridge to deliver enough energy at that range is secondary IMO to the ability of a hunter to find exactly the spot where the animal was standing, 20, 30, or 100 minutes after the fact.
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The inconvenient part about long range hunting that nobody ever talks about is the difficulty in knowing exactly where an animal was standing when you shot, after you travel across a ridge or ravine or river or two in fading light. Makes a person wonder how may wounded animals were "clean misses" according to the shooter. The ability of a cartridge to deliver enough energy at that range is secondary IMO to the ability of a hunter to find exactly the spot where the animal was standing, 20, 30, or 100 minutes after the fact.
There are ways to determine that these days. onX and some rangefinders have the capability to do just that. mtmuley
Hell yeah! 🤘

A new cartridge with its main selling point being a 1000 yard hunting rifle, exactly what we needed!!! I hear it's so deadly, you don't even have to look for blood/the animal if it didn't drop in its tracks because nothing can survive even the most marginal of hits with that baby!!! #FeakenLazerBeam #Deadly #7mmBackCountry #DeaderThanDead #IfItsBrownAt1000YardsItsDown
This guy shoots!
Some are saying Federal created the round for those looking to maintain higher velocities on a shorter barrel that fits well with a suppressor. Sounds much like robbing Peter to pay Paul if you ask me. With so many solutions now available for the long-range shooter, there's probably some truth to the claim.
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That new high-velocity cartridge with high pressures doesn’t offer any real advantage for good hunters …said most hunters about the .270 Winchester exactly 100 years ago.

I think the door just swung open to a new era of 80,000 PSI cartridges that will slowly take a significant portion of the market.

Do we really need it? Immaterial. It does offer a few benefits that match the changing environment in how many people hunt and the gear they want to use.

Time will tell.
I'm curious if the bi-metal case will expand in the chamber. If not, that could create a lot of pressure that'll beat up the bolt.
I’ve been working on a load for the 139gr LRX but haven’t found a great one yet for my wife’s rifle. I found a great one for the 120ttsx which is going 3150fps.
CFE 223 and 139 LRX's have worked great in three 7mm-08's for me. All over 2800 fps and all very accurate. That seems to be a magic combo.
Has anyone thought of barrel life? They say a non magnum cartridge like the 243 is hard on a barrel I can't imagine this crazy high heat/psi cartridge will give very good barrel life at all. Maybe some folks won't mind.