What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

2 goals when I think about it.

13 y/o drew her first antelope tag - so we're working to fill that. 11 y/o passed Hunters Safety this summer, and we'll work on a deer for him. He shot a deer last year under the apprentice tag.

We'll see on Elk for them. I'll take them into some hidey-holes that have a decent percentage of getting into Elk. Just need some luck and nerves to be calm for them. We're into a balancing act of school sports and my sanity.
My goal is to be able to hunt. I’m about 99% sure I’m fired this week due to attendance and my wife being sick with covid that she got from our daughter, that our daughter got from me, and I got it at work.
Doesn’t matter that my productivity averages 120-150%.
I guess I’ll quote myself. Work called and left me a message asking me to call back about the same time my wife called crying; she and my daughter had been in a bad car wreck. They are both ok, just banged up. Being a small town I was able to get there quick and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A f150 pulled out in front of them on the highway coming into town so she was traveling at about 55mph. Insurance has already totaled the car. Now we are having to deal with all this crap.

But my girls are ok and that’s what really matters!
I guess I’ll quote myself. Work called and left me a message asking me to call back about the same time my wife called crying; she and my daughter had been in a bad car wreck. They are both ok, just banged up. Being a small town I was able to get there quick and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A f150 pulled out in front of them on the highway coming into town so she was traveling at about 55mph. Insurance has already totaled the car. Now we are having to deal with all this crap.

But my girls are ok and that’s what really matters!
Glad they're OK! Take care of them!
Bought my resident turkey, small game, pheasant and firearm deer licenses today.

I hope to get pebbles out hunting this year. At 4 1/2, I hope it’s not too late. I’ve had her in the field and she did incredible pointing out and flushing some doves.

Three years ago, Hometown Hero’s Outdoors was kind enough to offer some vets a spring turkey hunt. That was a blast and I’ve been trying since to get my own turkey.

I haven’t been deer hunting for 10 years since I took my youngest. She went two years and mom convinced her to not going anymore. Guns were scary but archery was acceptable.

Now that I don’t drive truck anymore and am home daily and off weekends,

It’s due time.
I guess I’ll quote myself. Work called and left me a message asking me to call back about the same time my wife called crying; she and my daughter had been in a bad car wreck. They are both ok, just banged up. Being a small town I was able to get there quick and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A f150 pulled out in front of them on the highway coming into town so she was traveling at about 55mph. Insurance has already totaled the car. Now we are having to deal with all this crap.

But my girls are ok and that’s what really matters!
Wishing you the best of outcomes on all fronts. Doesn't sound like one of the better days.
Honestly, my goal is to have a chance to take a shot at a deer at this point. Heading into my fourth year of this stuff and I have yet to fire my rifle outside of the range. I really want some venison in the freezer.

And seeing this feller staring at me as I drove past in the hills a couple weeks ago has me questioning if I should add elk hunting to my list of things to try.

I guess I’ll quote myself. Work called and left me a message asking me to call back about the same time my wife called crying; she and my daughter had been in a bad car wreck. They are both ok, just banged up. Being a small town I was able to get there quick and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A f150 pulled out in front of them on the highway coming into town so she was traveling at about 55mph. Insurance has already totaled the car. Now we are having to deal with all this crap.

But my girls are ok and that’s what really matters!
I’m glad your ladies are okay and very much hope your string of shit luck turns around soon.
No kidding….

Family first….

FMLA if you must on them.
I applied for unpaid personal leave but can’t tell if it was approved. I’m scheduled to go back Saturday so we will see.

Part of the problem is I was moved to a different department this time last year that was on mandatory overtime. I protested that I would have trouble given that I take care of my daughter during the week. I was assured I’d be back in my old department within two months. It was a lie and I missed too many overtime days and got a write up in November that lasts a year. Fast forward to Memorial weekend when I had a mild stroke then having covid at the end of July and I was put on final notice.
It wouldn’t even be an issue had I not been moved departments. I also worked mandatory OT for about two years before and after my daughter was born.

I just want to go sit by a damn campfire at this point.
I applied for unpaid personal leave but can’t tell if it was approved. I’m scheduled to go back Saturday so we will see.

Part of the problem is I was moved to a different department this time last year that was on mandatory overtime. I protested that I would have trouble given that I take care of my daughter during the week. I was assured I’d be back in my old department within two months. It was a lie and I missed too many overtime days and got a write up in November that lasts a year. Fast forward to Memorial weekend when I had a mild stroke then having covid at the end of July and I was put on final notice.
It wouldn’t even be an issue had I not been moved departments. I also worked mandatory OT for about two years before and after my daughter was born.

I just want to go sit by a damn campfire at this point.
I wish you the best….

Hopefully things work out better.
1. Get back on the train of shooting an antelope with my bow. Last year was the first in 6 years I didn't kill a goat with the bow.
2. Shoot a WY mule deer with the bow. I'd like to find a good buck, I'll base my standards on what I am seeing when I get there. I won't just shoot a buck to fill the tag tho, a week chasing deer with a bow is well worth the tag price.
3. Hunt a big bull in MT with the bow. I have a cow tag also, so there is a little incentive here to actually hold out.
4. Help my brother shoot his first bull with his bow. He shot a cow last year, so trying to up the ante here.
5. Find a big buck to hunt in AZ for my draw tag. Just seeing a 180"+ deer would be awesome.
6. Help my family on their respective deer/elk rifle hunts in MT. I need to be productive on my hunts in archery to make this happen.
7. Help my youngest brother find a really nice pronghorn in MT. There is some nice bucks walking around, hopefully we can find one

Update: #1 accomplished...

I’ve never gotten one with a bow. Over water?
My knees are so bad these days that I can't hike around too much. But I will be taking my bow out next month on camping trips disguised as elk hunting trips. Any updates might consist of pictures of me sitting in a camp chair drinking a beer. I have gone out every archery season since 1965 so I can't stop now. Then I have a tag for a muzzle loader deer season in November. Hopefully I'll be able to get around enough to actually try to kill something on that hunt, but it won't be far from a road. Other than that, I plan on doing more grouse, quail and turkey hunting this fall. That all opens this Friday. October is my favorite fishing month, so I'll be spending some time at the lake.

Hope everyone has some good luck, or at least a lot of fun this fall.

I guess I’ll quote myself. Work called and left me a message asking me to call back about the same time my wife called crying; she and my daughter had been in a bad car wreck. They are both ok, just banged up. Being a small town I was able to get there quick and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A f150 pulled out in front of them on the highway coming into town so she was traveling at about 55mph. Insurance has already totaled the car. Now we are having to deal with all this crap.

But my girls are ok and that’s what really matters!
So glad they’re okay!
Get my little Fr Britt through one more hunting season. Back in January a vet hospital in Minneapolis removed a cancer tumor the size of a softball from deep in her abdomen. Long term prognosis was not good but she's doing great. At age twelve she's got more energy than most six year-old dogs.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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