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What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

Shoot at SOMETHING in Montana with the 404 Jeffery I just finished building. It never popped a cap in Africa. Sigh.
My goal is to be able to hunt. I’m about 99% sure I’m fired this week due to attendance and my wife being sick with covid that she got from our daughter, that our daughter got from me, and I got it at work.
Doesn’t matter that my productivity averages 120-150%.
If that's the case you'll be better off once you find something else.
Help my oldest son (14) hopefully harvest an elk on his first elk hunt in third rifle, Colorado. Soon as we get back we leave for a week at deer camp with my second boy(12) going along for the first time. It's a group of about 14 guys now that are full fledged hunting nuts!!! Boys have been hunting since they were six years old, but weren't allowed to tag along on extended hunting trips till they're 12, due to school. They're now homeschooling, so I guess I'm the principal and I get to decide what absences are excused!
Kill a 180"+ muly in CO, and arrow a 350"+ bull here at home in MT, then follow it up with a 160" whitetail in november, oh and I probably better throw in a 300 lb black bear and a couple of wolves just to keep it SPICY. That's really not setting the bar to high right.
What’s your top goal? I want you to think about this. Really challenge yourself to pick the 1. I could talk about my knees, killing a mature mule deer buck, harvesting a critter on my new property.

My long term goal has been termed the Hamm Slam. This goal specifically is to harvest mature big game on my land in Montana; elk, whitetail, mule deer, and finally a moose. That last one will take a minute.

The challenge is to narrow it down to the most critical goal for this season, but I’ve got it. I want to kill a bull this year. When I lived back in Montana 20 years ago I killed a bull nearly every year, but life changed that. I moved to Washington, and my goals shifted. I was in a seriously shitty relationship that gradually nearly eliminated all my hobbies. My opportunities and time became limited, so I focused on what I had. That was time and opportunity to hunt deer. I haven‘t killed a bull in 22 years, and I’ve killed 9.

I am hunting Washington archery elk, and all seasons in Montana. The dream would be to kill a bull with my bow, but I’ll be stoked to harvest any bull at all this year. My actions will be to get out every moment I can and hunt hard. I’ll also be learning a ton. Currently I’m shooting at least every other day, and 3D shooting a minimum of 3 times a week at Spokane Valley Archery. I am also listening to loads of podcasts and calling my brains out in my truck.

I’ll try to keep you guys updated, and look forward to you doing the same!
I'm going on a wilderness camping trip, where moose are likely to be. One grandson, is 10 years young. would love to put the young dude on a bull. The goal is to take a bull or, moose gods willing, two bulls.
I’ll have 6 Whitetail tags : 3 in Vt. and 3 in NY. Already have family and friends lining up for venison donations 😂. I’ll have about 2 1/2 months of hunting time. With no western hunts planned (for the first time in over 30 years) I can really take my time and enjoy the local hunting. Rifle, muzzle loader, and crossbow. Planning lots of hunting time with my wife.
I'm going on a wilderness camping trip, where moose are likely to be. One grandson, is 10 years young. would love to put the young dude on a bull. The goal is to take a bull or, moose gods willing, two bulls.

My dream trip. Of all the posting about hunting on this site, I can easily say that a trip with you and your hunting equipment, would be the first choice for me to experience…
I suppose I should toss my goal in here. Drew a speed goat in the pioneers, time and experience to be had. First antelope buck, first archery attempt with my brother hammsolo, and possible mulie rut hunt in the in eastern mt.
Well I could set my sights really high and say I want to fill my coveted WT doe tag that I drew (lol)…. Really, my husband and I would love to get a bull elk, especially since we didn’t draw any cow tags this year.

However, that all takes a backseat to getting to hunt with my dad for the first time in 20+ years. He’s finally a resident of MT again and not in the best of health, so I’m just hoping we get to spend some time in the woods together. Trying to logistically figure out how we’re going to make it work. I hunt northwestern MT, so most likely just looking for a deer for him, unless we get extremely lucky. I don’t think he’s anywhere near able to put in the miles in the kind of country where we’d need to be to get into bulls.

He’s not going to be out with us all season though, so my husband and I will use the rest of our time to hunt elk.
1. 13 year old’s mule deer hunt in the Sierra Madres.
2. As much time as possible small game and grouse hunting with my 10 year old.
3. Removing Niobrara county from my list of counties I haven’t harvested a big game animal.

I still have a lot of meat from 2022, so I’m under no pressure to kill an elk.
My goal is to kill a nice desert bighorn that I can admire for the rest of my life. It will be a once in a lifetime hunt because I'm too darn old to start applying again anywhere.
I had 18 bonus points and only got this tag because as an alternate I was first in line and someone for some unknown reason returned the tag.
This would be after shooting a muley buck and a big bull elk this year.
Is there such a thing as getting too many tags? :unsure:

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