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what is your favorite waterfowl to hunt?

ODA, nice mounts!
DH59, been there , dun that! Flooded timber wading is an absolutely totally enjoyable experience....stepping in a stump hole or tripping over flooded trees or limbs is not! Esp when you come up sputtering and everyone else, includiing your dam dawg is laffing at you!!!
When I was younger I lived in the California delta and we used to get some good shoots on the mallards. Those were fun days.


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Nice pic, RR!!!
I still hunt the Delta....Mississippi R that is!
Nothing quite as exciting as leaving the Skiff in the first pirouge and having the dam dog catch up with you and put a paw on the side While buddy LHAO when nothing but your shoulders and up are showing, or swinging over the side of the Skiff to wade the last couple of feet and put out decoys while bud hides the Skiff and having to grab the gunwale as you were sinking out of sight, or testing the bank,stepping out with your bucket, gun and decoys and then two steps later having to ram your gun into mud to lift yourself up and dive on your chest to keep from sinking while buddy laffs and then has to pull stuck dawg outta mud....I love huntin Venice, LA!!! Thank God we now gotta airboat!!
Both times I filled my BPS with mud, when I finally got to a place to set up, I stuck it under water and rinsed it off and kept hunting...
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Yep duck hunts can be quite the amusement at times...but no matter what happens (as long as everyones safe)'s a great way to spend some time out away from things. Trick is trying not to be the one laughed at...but one who is laughing.
TominTenn...hey...the engineering on duck guns is incredible...I've washed mine out in the drink numerous times...and pulled up to shoot on the next bunch into the dekes without a 2nd!
Long live the wildfowlers!
Gotta say that depredation cormorant hunting in Mexico out of a boat moving 25 MPH is fairly stimulating and sporting. The good news is the boat can carry far mor ammunition than a bird boy walking into the field on a dove hunt.:hump:
MEXICO.....they are competitors for the tilapia & bass the locals net for FOOD.
Straight up legal..........and a HOOT
damn, I can't count the times I've seem people start calling from 1/4 mile away at those things...always fun to watch the looks on thier faces
years ago I watched some some guys in a blind across the marsh on a MO state waterfowl area callin away at what they thought was a goose. it went right over their blind, they stood up and bang, bang, bang...down it came. not 5 min later here comes a boat w/several MO gamewardens, pulls up on our mound wanting to see the last 'goose like' bird we shot...we said it wasnt was that blind over there...we asked what it was about...said they had shot a double crested corrmorant...a fed protected species! (on a state waterfowl area :eek:) ...they went right over and found where it had been 'stuffed' in the mud...pretty soon they were all loaded up and headed back to the headquarters.
Big late season greenies by far are mine, then any divers(big water is pretty fun), but spring snow goose would be in a third.....:D


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montanadogs....NICE shootin on the sky carp! looks like you got a neckband or two? I like the field pic too...we do the spring hunts and have huge masses like that decoy...have had times we drop 30-40 from a swarm.
Just one neck band....Funny thing about it two, I never did end up with it. My buddy said he shot clearly was shot by me ;) Why if I remember right I shot it about 75 yards away and for some reason it landed within shooting range of him....hummmm Spring snows are a lot of fun.
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