Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

what is the purpose of this site???

Too Funny..... maybe we can have a BBQ there as well.

I can not believe the original post on here. Just unbelievable.


So, I want to hunt by Wheatland Reservoir Number 2? Which house has the best porch to sit on?

Yes, I google mapped your directions. :D
I agree with most comments. I was new on this site a few years ago. I learned that it is give and take in what I learn. I have gotten some really great advice via PM. This last year I was happy enough to give back to a forum member that had "tons" of posts and was going to Wyoming for an antelope hunt.

It's a great site to "LEARN" from.

good luck to all
the dog
I will tell you one thing do not post a score of an animal unless you have had it scored many times by certif. people because if you are off and try to defend it you will get killed on here just speaking from experience.........:D:rolleyes: in all fairness I would tend to agree with the first post unless you are one of the core guys on this site good luck...
Hmmmm. Given Unit 42 is a not a very sought after unit, it could also be that no one has hunted the unit. If someone asks about a unit, I don't even try to answer - if I did, my reply would be information, misinformation.

I would put the guys on this site up against any group of hunters out there when it comes to OYO knowledge of western hunting. They are also very helpful, but there is some level of protocol that comes with how information is shared. It usually helps to do as much homework as possible, ask very specific questions, and maybe rely on PMs.

There is a reason this site has a lurker to registered user ration of 10:1 - the value of the information that guys here provide.
Dyou would think that a site dedicated to the "do it yourself hunter" would have a "pay it forward" attitude, i was a little shocked to see this responce to a post in the antelope section

Your questions are good and very reasonable. Unfortunately, on this site help related to specific hunts is thin and not often in coming. No matter how much you participate. Even via private message have seen precious little help when drawing rare tags a number of guys have drawn but chose to not step up and give even a few basic heads up about.

Just the culture of this site. Great guys but who happen to be mute or deaf and mute.

Do not know 42 at all. Or I am "one of those guys"

is this just a brag board???

DIY = Do It Yourself
This is how I see a "do it yourself hunter" as referenced in the question.

Ask everybody questions. Research the area yourself. Scout and hunt the area yourself.

After a few times out you will find a good area that holds good animals.

When someone asks you about the area your hunting, tell them everything you know. Then you will be starting the process over in another area because the area is now overran with people that you were kind enough to "pay it forward"
With the quality of maps and such that are out there now there is no reason to not have an adequate idea on what the terrain looks like.

I won't even post what units I apply for anymore, everybody is looking for something. Post pictures of what you have killed and every dude out there wants to know where you got it. Sorry, worked too hard to get it.
My opinion.........I have several friends on here that have helped me a lot in finding good hunting. elkdiesel and crittergitter are two to mention that I owe. But I sure did not get info handed over without some work of my own. With all the politics and garbage we have to fight to prevent losing our hunting I feel a person needs to show me they have my interests in mind and protect what I love. I've spent to much time (months) and money (thousands) to find good hunting spots over the years. It is hard to give that up to someone I do not know yet. There is a lot of knowledge on hunt talk. You carefully put in your knowledge and experience and with time people will learn to trust you. People spend a lot of time and money researching hunting spots to enjoy while the rest of us greedily wait to hear where they went. It's a lot easier to scout for elk while in a coffee shop early morning in the middle of the week while ????? tells ????? where he saw the elk, and to prepare for the weekends hunt. But call on those two to help you haul the elk from that spot that coming week end and see where it takes you. Give them some ideas of where you've been and seen and they just might invite you along for some extra insight and fun to their spot. I love to help people out but I have been burned so many times finding my friends in my spots later that only those that have given back get to know where I go. It is a process!
I will tell you one thing do not post a score of an animal unless you have had it scored many times by certif. people because if you are off and try to defend it you will get killed on here just speaking from experience.........:D:rolleyes: in all fairness I would tend to agree with the first post unless you are one of the core guys on this site good luck...

I have no idea what you're talking about;)
I will tell you one thing do not post a score of an animal unless you have had it scored many times by certif. people because if you are off and try to defend it you will get killed on here just speaking from experience.........:D:rolleyes: in all fairness I would tend to agree with the first post unless you are one of the core guys on this site good luck...

...and you dammed sure better not reference the score as SCI.:hump::eek:....or shoot & post a S TX cow.:D
I think this is a great site. When you ask questions about a unit, you may or may not get information on the unit. Part of this may be that perhaps nobody has hunted that unit. Another part may be that you haven't shown that you've tried to do any research on the unit other than asking the question. This site is great for learning techniques as well as regulations and what to expect. For somebody like me from Minnesota, some of these "simple" things are probably more valuable than detailed information on a unit. If you don't know how to find or hunt an animal, it doesn't do you much good to get information on a unit. You will also get great information on equipment reviews from this site. Like others, I think this is a give-and-take site. I don't have a lot of knowledge on hunting the west, but I will gladly share information with people if I can. I hope to some day be able to help people more than I can right now. If you come in with your first post asking about a unit, you are a lot less likely to get a response than if you build up your posts and let people know who you are and share some of your hunts/adventures/experiences. There may also be a lot of behind-the-scene responses to posts that you don't know about coming in PMs. PMs are a lot more likely type of response to a detailed question. I do appreciate everybody helping me on many different topics.
Want to know why somebody isnt going to hand carry you to a booner lope....

I am sure you will get broad info on an area but here is my first and last story of why you will now have to be dang near blood to get my areas from me.

I met a guy off a chat room while I was looking for a new hunting partner and we talked a lot through email and phone. Finally it seemed we were on the same sheet of music and he was new to elk hunting and I didnt mind showing somebody the ropes and helping out. Long story short he came four years, first three years were filled with tons of close calls and finally he connected year four. Low and behold he goes on chat sites talking crap about how great he is and that I was holding him back....fastforward.....this year he says that he and a friend of his applied for a elk tag and asked when we should meet at camp.

Dude is bringing his friends into areas that I showed him and into MY camp without asking....that alone is why you will not get detailed info off any hunting site. Oh and I told the easterner to pound sand! You want details put in work and get your own details added into your own little black book, chances are a guys is only being used for honey holes.
Its all about how you ask and WHAT you ask.

If the guy who wanted to apply for unit 42 in Wyoming would have never named the unit, and simply asked where do I get statistics for Antelope units in Wyoming? What does good habitat for Antelope look like? Questions like this and he would have been set, the only thing left would have been applying the information learned.
The hunt/draw statistics might lead you to some decision regarding the unit in question. MTG
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I've recieved great imfo on this site.You have to learn how to ask people for imfo and when your asking for too mch.You need to do some work on your own.Not too hard for someone to pick up a phone and call the local biologist for the area,or go on google earth and look it over yourself.I generally ask about a broad area and then narrow it down on my own.I will say, sometimes hearing nothing is a good thing,and peaks my interest in the area even more
So what imfo have you passed along on this site?People can see thru those only wanting to gain imfo instead of a give and take.I've given plenty of people exact spots to hunt thru pms to help them out.Hopefully, this year it won't bite me in the a$$.I do spend alot of time in front of maps and always have a plan A,B,C,D ect...
I've never hunted unit 42 before but what if I did and said all the public land is terrible.You already applied for that tag without doing any homework on your own.I applied for unit 34 deer this year,but only did so after a 1/2 hr long talk with the biologist.If I draw the tag, I'll be talking with her again to narrow down an area to research on maps.
Your going to find pressure on any public land you hunt,and finding a good buck will be up to how hard YOU want to work for it.my guess is theres at least one 80" buck in the unit.How hard do YOU want to work to find/kill it.Opening day on WIA and HMA in Wy. is a circus.Hunt during the week or 2nd week and it almost becomes a ghost town out there.get away from your truck and roads by 1/2 mile ,even on the opener,and your odds at something decent will go up
All in all, I think this is an excellent site for learning how to hunt on your own.As long as you don't expect gps coordinates.Good luck on your hunt.My 1st advise would be to research the unit BEFORE applying
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