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What is the nastiest place where you have found elk

Haven't had the pleasure of a brutal pack out. But since I usually hunt alone, or with my wife, there have been spots i got to where I just decided not to bugle, just in case one answered. Just don't trust my decision making should one answer....
Weminuche wilderness, SW Colorado. Watched a herd of 30+ graze for days at 11k feet, two ravines out of reach. Enjoyed watching them but never once thought about going after them, much less shooting one. Would have rolled 1k feet down into a completely inaccessible drainage anyway. Every day of the season, the herd moved another ridge further into the wilderness.
That's my home turf where I learned to elk hunt and guide it's got its share of nasties for sure.
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Well it depends how you define "nasty." If you mean remote and rugged, this one. Looking down on a mountain goat. But we did have stock so not really that bad. Reminds me of my old friend Gary Sloan who had another spot in the Bob he called "Idiot Basin" because only an idiot would kill an elk there. He killed several in that spot, as I recall.
That rock formation is insanely cool.
Sand dunes. 3 miles in. Hiking in the mountains is challenging enough, and sand makes it more "fun" - - - and packing out an elk just brutal. Calves were screaming.
Before that, Miistaakis. Backbone of the World.
You better wait 4 years to ask for that change, just sayin'.

I made a big mistake, it's actually wall of 'Merica, filed under make the Bob great again (if you can get there because the trails suck and haven't been maintained because we efficiently fired the people who clear them).
You better wait 4 years to ask for that change, just sayin'.

I made a big mistake, it's actually wall of 'Merica, filed under make the Bob great again (if you can get there because the trails suck and haven't been maintained because we efficiently fired the people who clear them).
No, you won't be able to hike the downed timber laden trails 'cuz there is no trail clearing. The only way you can visit as a new-age Bob tourist is aboard a Tesla Lectric-Copter!

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