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What is the biggest challenge for you in hunting?

Start hunting whatever is available locally near you. Squirrels, rabbits, deer, whatever. Most skills are transferable over to western big game.

I learned by hunting squirrels in the woods behind my house and found that I loved slipping quietly along listening for squirrels rustling through the leaves on the ground or moving through the trees. When it came to hunting deer, I found that I enjoyed hunting them the same way.

When I moved to Montana, I added a good pair of binoculars and found that the same tactics I employed for small game and deer in Virginia were just as effective for deer, elk and bear out here.

If you can learn to still hunt and get close to a Midwest or Eastern whitetail, you can kill any animal in the woods. There’s some difference in how they use the landscape but the tactics are very similar.
Thank you for the tips. I currently live out in the country so I drive around the property shooting ground squirrels with a 22lr.
I can hunt in the nearby Nat'l. Forest but so do dozens of others. So I apply for limited entry hunts at Wildlife Management Units. This year I was fortunate and was drawn for three day hunts on two separate dates. - TR
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