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what is SFW.


Feb 17, 2012
Basically guys im new to this internet forum and things i have never heard of SFW sorry but im out of touch i dont buy hunting magazines or read news on internet so dont fault me for that but im learning so help me out.
SFW is a group that started in Utah and has since used their Utah cash flow stream to found chapters in most the other western states. Fortunately, they are small and not capable of much progress, but seem to create a lot of other headaches most would consider regression.

SFW stands for Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. They do have a MT chapter. The MT chapter, like all others, was told they would stand alone and do their own thing. And like all other chapters, they take heavy doses of medicine from Utah.

If you read threads on this site, you will see where AZSFW has recently tried to take 350 of the best tags from AZ to fund SFW operations.

You will find where AKSFW planted their founder as the Director of AK F&G, only to have him resign in the face of double-digit counts of illegal hunting and outfitting.

You will find where the national arm of SFW, most would say UTSFW, tried to kill the legislation that got us wolf delisting in MT and ID.

You will find where MTSFW supported multiple bills in the 2011 legislature that would have diverted funds from FWP for non-qualified purposes, would have changed our wolf plan to a point where we would have lost any chance at delsited status, and a myriad of other problematic attempts.

Research them for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Since you live in MT, you will find many examples of where they claim to be helping, only to be causing more problems to an already problematic landscape.

Whatever you read from SFW, I would take this advice from the NRA.

NRA, SCI and CSF Disavow Misleading Press Release

Today the National Rifle Association, Safari Club International and the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation publicly disavowed a misleading press release distributed on Friday, March 11th to congressional offices and other outlets. The press release blatantly misrepresents the position of these organizations regarding legislation to delist gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act.

The draft release was circulated by an individual representing Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife and Big Game Forever. The individual representing these two groups was immediately advised to remove the aforementioned organizations named in the release. Unfortunately, he did not, and the release was transmitted without correcting the inaccurate information.

The release in question claimed that the NRA, SCI and CSF along with the other organizations listed below are opposed to language relating to the delisting of gray wolves in spending legislation currently pending before the U.S. Congress. In fact, these organizations support that language, as well as every other measure that has been introduced in the U.S. House and Senate to date addressing this important issue.

Congressional offices and members of the media should exercise caution in accepting as fact, or repeating, any claims made by Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Big Game Forever or any person claiming to represent them. Due to the blatant misrepresentation contained in the press release circulated by these two groups, any claims they make in the future should be thoroughly investigated and independently confirmed.
SFW is a group that started in Utah and has since used their Utah cash flow stream to found chapters in most the other western states. Fortunately, they are small and not capable of much progress, but seem to create a lot of other headaches most would consider regression.

SFW stands for Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. They do have a MT chapter. The MT chapter, like all others, was told they would stand alone and do their own thing. And like all other chapters, they take heavy doses of medicine from Utah.

If you read threads on this site, you will see where AZSFW has recently tried to take 350 of the best tags from AZ to fund SFW operations.

You will find where AKSFW planted their founder as the Director of AK F&G, only to have him resign in the face of double-digit counts of illegal hunting and outfitting.

You will find where the national arm of SFW, most would say UTSFW, tried to kill the legislation that got us wolf delisting in MT and ID.

You will find where MTSFW supported multiple bills in the 2011 legislature that would have diverted funds from FWP for non-qualified purposes, would have changed our wolf plan to a point where we would have lost any chance at delsited status, and a myriad of other problematic attempts.

Research them for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Since you live in MT, you will find many examples of where they claim to be helping, only to be causing more problems to an already problematic landscape.

Whatever you read from SFW, I would take this advice from the NRA.

You sure have a way of cutting the Fat off of what SFW tries to hide, and expose what is the truth.

Thank You,
It makes me sick that somehow they managed to get the utah game and fish to give them over 200 limited entry tags for there salt lake city fiasko show,,,that is really taking public wildlife that should be in the regular hunt draws for "normal" hunters and basically selling it off to the rich high bidders,,,I absolutely do not support s f w
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