Caribou Gear Tarp

What is going on?

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Killed my bull this year with a 6mm Creed at 550ish. One shot, watched him wobble and then somersault down the hill. Did the same the year before with a 6.5 Creed at 450ish.

Funny enough, those are the only bulls I've shot once.
They're not worried about how much meat they lose in the process of downing an animal.

Alaskan natives have been using 223s on caribou for years with brainshots because they're trying to save as much meat as possible. I'm in the same boat, except I use fast monos in the boiler room to save meat. Not hard to find a deer that runs off (if it does) where I hunt.
Why does Rokslide all of a sudden think that a .243 can be an elk gun? Why are they all about using match bullets on game? Where did this thinking come from? Does anyone here agree with any of this? I get bullet technology has advanced and elk shoulders are not actually made of titanium like some think, but that caliber choice seems pretty unethical to me.

Uh-oh, better go back and tell a whooooooooole lot of people that the elk they killed with their .243s over the last ~70 years weren't killed dead enough...
My other half has killed a number of elk with her .243, she's never pulled the trigger more than once on any of them.
some metal mf's.
while you guys are lobbying congress, they're getting it done on public land.
Oh my goodness it's Douglas!
Why does Rokslide all of a sudden think that a .243 can be an elk gun? Why are they all about using match bullets on game? Where did this thinking come from? Does anyone here agree with any of this? I get bullet technology has advanced and elk shoulders are not actually made of titanium like some think, but that caliber choice seems pretty unethical to me.
Because internet. You really can't get the unvarnished truth on the Internet on anything gun related. I once read a magazine article on the popularity of milsurp .30 Carbine on elk owed to the economy of FMJ ammo.

Me, I'm challenged to think of anything I'd shoot with a .243.
some metal mf's.
while you guys are lobbying congress, they're getting it done on public land.
Doug, how was the river to river ? Goes right past my grandparents house.
some metal mf's.
while you guys are lobbying congress, they're getting it done on public land.
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