What is America's all time best, purely civilian hunting cartridge?

I'd have to say .270 Win but the joke in WV when I hunted there was that when you buy a 270 at the Walmart was you also got a pair of tennis shoes and a ball bat to finish off your deer.
I know one that's going somewhere soon...and in perfect condition. Have no use for it late 60's model per serial number...actually 1965 manufacture date.

Model 94 ? How much?
Have you heard about the new 6.5Creedmoor-R ? It's the best rimmed cartridge ever invented. Loaded with round noses, it will turn your re-barrelled lever gun into a 500 yard elk gun.
Shooting at an elk at 500 yards with a 6.5 needs more is insane and in my opinion unethical
Another vote for the 30-30.
I shot my first deer, a 3x3 mule deer buck with my dad's Winchester 94.
I now own that rifle and will someday pass it on.
Even then, I doubt it...as Ben Lamb pointed out, lots of 300 savage, 308, 35's, 25-35, 25-20, etc. used in the East and mid-west.

Deer numbers and opportunities were also much lower as well...with the number deer that we have now, and the amount of deer being killed yearly, no way the 30-30 has killed more than lots of other rounds.

Who do you know that hunts deer with a 30-30?
As a kid in rural Louisiana, dad's hunted with 30-06 and sons hunted with a 30-30. .270 had a small market share.
First thought was 270. Dunno why it popped in my head but it did. Then all this John Wayne chatter got me wondering what The Duke would shoot if he were around today. I decided he'd shoot a 7mag one handed and still kill elk at 700 yards. Then he'd cut the man buns off every 6.5 shooter and hang em on the wall over at Chuck Norris's place.

The 30-30 crap is just story time at the nursing home from guys who just shit their pants. Just b/c Clint Eastwood could split a rope with one from 300 yards while smoking a cigar doesn't make it a useful hunting weapon. More things probably died from the butt end of a 30-30 than the business end.
My vote would be for the .270 Win. Regarding the 30-30, when I was growing up, the Winchester 1894 chambered in that cartridge was extremely popular in New England. It was a staple in the Whitetail woods.
My vote would be for the .270 Win. Regarding the 30-30, when I was growing up, the Winchester 1894 chambered in that cartridge was extremely popular in New England. It was a staple in the Whitetail woods.
I also grew up in New England,,,,way back when nobody heard the term Lymes Disease and yes the 30-30 was the backbone for deer hunters. With peep sights I might add. I knew two brothers who inherited their grandfathers hunting cabin and land in the Berkshires. One had a model 94 with peep sites in 30-30 and the other had a Savage 99 in Savage 300 with a 2.5 fixed power scope.

Both of these guys were fantastic snap shooters at deer that just exploded from thick cover up close

Hunting white tail deer back in New England defined me as a hunter. I always chose/prefer a standing shot, hunt with a rifle that has the potential for longer shooting,,,for me that means 300-400 yards, but I am quite comfortable with close range snap shooting even if an animal has stared to trot or even run.

That is my New England heritage and it has served me very well.

I could hunt my entire life with a 30-30 and a .270, both using Barnes bullets. Those bullets are a real upgrade in killing power.
Even having become a Westerner many decades ago, the most powerful scope I will use is a 3-9. I take near all my game animals at the lower setting.

On a side note, my go rifle for all hunting is a Sako 75 Finnlight in .308 with an ultra light 2.5 to 7 leupold scope. Following my New England hunting heritage I just end up taking most all my game up close and very personal. My pet load is 30-30 Barnes 150 grain TSX bullets hand loaded to 30-30 velocities in my .308. It is so kind to meat.

In case a much longer shot is needed, the next cartridge in the mag is a full powered .308, which I rarely have needed.

Jack O'Connor once stated that he thought the very best hunters he saw in the west were from back east where they learned precision shooting hunting woodchucks and fast shooting hunting whitetails.

Both of those brothers ended up giving up hunting by the way,,,,because they got Lymes disease over and over.

and my vote goes to the 348, preferably used in a 71 and I am a majority of one on this thread ;)

The 348 is one of my top 10 as far as truly American cartridges. Both it & the 33 WCF represent a major shift in thinking for the American Hunter, and weapons manufacturer away from big, heavy bullets at low velocity that started at .405 to smaller pills at over 2000 fps. The 30-30 led that way, but the 33 & 348 perfected the medium velocity, longer range cartridge while remaining a hammer on game up close.

Transitional cartridges rock.
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Even then, I doubt it...as Ben Lamb pointed out, lots of 300 savage, 308, 35's, 25-35, 25-20, etc. used in the East and mid-west.

Deer numbers and opportunities were also much lower as well...with the number deer that we have now, and the amount of deer being killed yearly, no way the 30-30 has killed more than lots of other rounds.

Who do you know that hunts deer with a 30-30?
I did for many years. Pigs & an elk or two also.
Took my 1st 2 elk with a 30-30 I bought in Butte in 75', still have it.
Took my 1st deer with one of my uncles.
Took a buck with a Win.92' 32-20 same uncle gave me. 20ft.

Just what I've read & seen in my life says 30-30.