Kenetrek Boots

What is a Bucc-ees?


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2017
Home of the OTC
Guess there's one going in up I25 north of Denver. I can google it to find out what it is, but I'd rather hear it from you guys. Whatever it is, it is ridiculously humongous.
It's seriously that good? Alright, I will stop in next time I'm up that way. It'll have to be at 4am, place will probably be packed for a while after opening
It is a Texas brand convenience store. They are huge and made their reputation on very large and very clean restrooms. Most have a deli, bakery, BBQ, fudge plus all the items you would find in a store, as well as souvenir shop. Gas pumps by the hundreds in the large stores and even a drive through car wash. Some of their pricing is good some is a little high in my opinion. I normally get diesel there with a very competitive price.
It is a Texas brand convenience store. They are huge and made their reputation on very large and very clean restrooms. Most have a deli, bakery, BBQ, fudge plus all the items you would find in a store, as well as souvenir shop. Gas pumps by the hundreds in the large stores and even a drive through car wash. Some of their pricing is good some is a little high in my opinion. I normally get diesel there with a very competitive price.
The gas pumps caught my eye, there's 50 of them at the one being built here.
The ones around here don't let 18 wheelers in the parking lot other than for deliveries. Much more than a truck stop
Obscure candy/treats will be in stock at a Buc-ees for sure. Pre-made and made to order sandwiches can rival homemade with the best fixins. The ones I've been to also have a truncated sporting goods section (coolers, corn and flingers), along with all the Yeti and Buc-ees cups you'd ever want to buy.

I had an Uber driver in Houston get damn near teared up telling me about how working at one of those stations was his dream job. He wouldn’t let up about it.

Apparently he also had a sciatic problem that made him unable to feather the peddle. It was either no gas or full pedal, which isn’t conducive to city driving with a hung over passenger. I still feel for the people that had to clean up the mess I left behind that subway after I bailed out and got sick.