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What inline to get


Active member
Feb 9, 2016
Berwick, PA
What inline do you guys like ? I've been looking at the cva traditions and t/c. I want open sights for Colorado but a scope for here in PA. Also what loads should I start with ?

I have a few muzzleloaders and my choice from my experience would be a CVA .My CVA Wolf shoots good.but my CVA Optima V2 and Accura have a better trigger .The Wolf is lighter to carry,that is my go to rifle for open sight hunting.
Since its a CO gun, stay away from the TC brand muzzy. They are a hit or miss with conical bullets.

CVA Optima with blackhorn209 breech plug and a good set of truglow fiber optic sights will do the job.

Are you 100% set of using an inline?
I'd like to stay with an inline because of being able to hunt in rainy weather unlike my flint lock

I have 2, TC Omega and the CVA Accura V2 because I got sick of taking the scope on and off for different states. The Accura shoots better for me with both sabots and Powerbelts than the Omega. Shoot me a PM if you want a price either any CVA or TC. But if you go with the CVA line make sure to get the Bergara barrel models, worth the extra coin for sure.
x2 on what Schmalts and frontier said--- CVA makes a great gun. I have and love the Accura V2. Do get the Bh209 breech plug and figure out how much BH209 works for you.
Tc triumph is a great gun my buddy missed a buck reloaded killed the buck a hour later I killed mine. Didn't clean the gun for three shots. He shoots 100 grains and 300 grain sabot. Another friend of mine shoots 90 grains and a 250 sabot. As far as shooting with a scope I'm not sure how they preform. Flintlock is almost absolute I think your referring to cap and ball. My dad has a .45 cal handmade cap and ball and he shoots 395 grain slugs with 70 grains of black powder xx. It will shoot accurate up to about 300 yards peep site. Amazing gun but for 1500$.
I think ill be getting the cva Acura, now to figure out a sight for it. Do you recommend a peep or just a regular fiber optic ? As always thanks for the help

My Colorado inline is an Accura and I put the ghost ring peep on it and I am much more accurate now. I put the peep on my wife's Wolf and is a tack driver with it. I use 100 grains of Triple 7, a 295 grain copper plated Powerbelt hollow point and Winchester primers. The only thing I haven't hunted with that set up is elk, but it has killed the heck out of antelope and deer.
Tc bonecollector 50 cal here. Fired 6 shots at deer for five kills. Lightweight, good recoil, accurate, weathershield has withstood my rough handling and it balances well in the hand. I personally have no interest at this stage in shooting a bp with a scope. There's no specific weapon seasons here so if I want to do that I just take my centrefire. Speaking for the open sights thought they're excellent for hunting I've found.
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