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Copper/ plastic fouling with powerbelts


Dec 27, 2012
I've come to the conclusion that I am having plastic/ copper fouling with powerbelts out of my t/c renegade flintlock. When I first started using them years ago they were easy to load and now I can only get a couple shots before I can't get a powerbelt down the barrel. The traditional method of soapy water and hoppes after shooting is not getting the barrel clean enough. How should I clean the barrel to reduce this type of fouling? Thanks
They make pre soaked patches that come in a little plastic jar that are supposed to remove plastic fouling. They are made specifically for muzzleloaders. I had some, but can't remember who made it. I'd google it and see what you can find.
You need a stronger solvent to get the plastic and copper fouling.

Try Sweets, Montana X-Treme, Brownells plastic wad solvent, or if you're into homemade make some Ed's Red (this stuff and Brownells will destroy plastic fouling but it will ruin plastic stocks too).