Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

What I learned about CWD after 17 years of direct involvement

next time include the entire quote not just what serves your purpose. I wrote

"WI has not. CWD is not causing any sort of die off," I spoke to WI not other states.

the rest of your post was pointless fluff and was of no vale whatsoever.

this is an opinion stated by yourself as a fact. Just because you "learned" something doesn't make it a fact, it is how you interpret information. Your comment on game farms coming to the rescue is laughable. Welcome to the forum from another Wisconsinite, next time when citing supposed facts maybe cite your sources
then with your passion for citation I invite you to cite the proof of massive CWD die off in WI. I'll wait here while you supply the many citations. Please be though . Thanks in advance.
then with your passion for citation I invite you to cite the proof of massive CWD die off in WI. I'll wait here while you supply the many citations. Please be though . Thanks in advance.

I did not make any claim about a die off---you did. Regardless: 50% of bucks in Iowa County with CWD, almost 7 % of all deer in 2019. I think that is significant. Folks get their panties in a bundle about wolves, but they ain't taking 50% of bucks in a county. https://www.jsonline.com/story/spor...n-payments-positives-merits-trial/2653155002/

thats what I thought. :LOL:

6% of the statewide population of deer in WI is estimated to have CWD (per the smith story) WOW!!!! its a wonder we have any deer left to hunt. thankfully the 6% have no documented threat to humans or livestock. Thankfully the 94% that didn't test positive are available to us. we really dodged a bullet after 17 years of CWD in WI.
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then with your passion for citation I invite you to cite the proof of massive CWD die off in WI. I'll wait here while you supply the many citations. Please be though . Thanks in advance.

Looks like Wisconsin is late to the party on this, as usual. Can only find news articles which allude to a study in progress.



So basically no one in Wisconsin has looked at this until just now...not sure how no one studying population impacts equates to there not being population impacts. But the quoted individual mentions preliminary findings of 25-30% higher mortality in positive deer than healthy deer, and slowing population growth. Pretty sure that’s on par with what Wyoming and Colorado saw in a similar time period post-incursion. Not sure what in there makes you so confident things in WI aren’t headed the same direction?

When you’re done laughing at haters, feel free to post any links that support your assertions. Otherwise we’ll just assume most of your material is coming from your a$$.
"Van Deelen emphasized oftentimes the disease itself is not what kills the deer," I laughed. The 3 "B's" killed the deer and after testing they were discovered to have CWD. 100% of humans that eat carrots will die. Often times they will die of other causes but when you look back at there past. POOF! they were found to have eaten a carrot at some point in their life.

"Van Deelen emphasized oftentimes the disease itself is not what kills the deer," I laughed. The 3 "B's" killed the deer and after testing they were discovered to have CWD. 100% of humans that eat carrots will die. Often times they will die of other causes but when you look back at there past. POOF! they were found to have eaten a carrot at some point in their life.

I could link to the research for that comment too, but you are a waste of time. I’ve linked it in other threads so you can dazzle us with your own research skills if you can find it.
next time include the entire quote not just what serves your purpose. I wrote

"WI has not. CWD is not causing any sort of die off," I spoke to WI not other states.

the rest of your post was pointless fluff and was of no vale whatsoever.
I’m not sure if this as directed at my reply or not as you didn’t quote anyone, but I’ll assume it was directed at me.
Yes, WI is experiencing die off. CWD is 100% fatal. Aaron Rodgers is not actually a god. Your denial that there is a problem is the most alarming aspect of this discussion. “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Hunters, like the rest of the world, will get what we deserve.
I could link to the research for that comment too, but you are a waste of time. I’ve linked it in other threads so you can dazzle us with your own research skills if you can find it.
Tim Vandeelen and I have sat together on a few committees and many meetings over the years related deer management issues . I called him the Lorax because at one meeting he introduced himself as the guy who speaks for the trees since they could not speak for themselves. I’ve known him since around 2007. I simply mentioned his quote about how deer with CWD die. It was funny.
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You keep saying this (probably copy/pasting from the other 17 forums you troll). I don’t know how to tell you this, but you don’t have a sig line.
I wonder why? I have checked the box (so its on) the box that says "Show signature lines on other's posts" Others may have that box unchecked so they dont see sig lines.

The point is, I laugh at haters. It disarms them. I dont suffer fools very well so I laugh at them. Some give me ample opportunity to laugh at them. That why I dont use the ignore feature. They are typically off topic like the joker here that pouts and whines constantly.
I don't think anyone else sees it

Signatures don't show in mobile mode.

If using a Android, click the three dots in the upper right corner and click "desktop site"
I did not make any claim about a die off---you did. Regardless: 50% of bucks in Iowa County with CWD, almost 7 % of all deer in 2019. I think that is significant. Folks get their panties in a bundle about wolves, but they ain't taking 50% of bucks in a county. https://www.jsonline.com/story/spor...n-payments-positives-merits-trial/2653155002/

No your blanket comment that 50% of bucks in Iowa county with CWD is not factual. That is not what Smith said. You will want to read it again to spot his hype and that It’s not the entire county but he got you to fall for the hype. Im linking the DNR test results form this year for all WI counties. You will notice Iowa County (all deer, not just bucks) has an infection rate of 27% *and thats ALL deer analyzed in the county this year.

Like most forum topics this one certainly has gotten off track from my original post and intent so I will return it to its origins and since Iowa County WI was mentioned and has perhaps the highest infection rate in WI (27%) lets stop/halt/cure CWD just there. It should be easy since its such a small land mass.

after more than 17 years of CWD and 27% infection rate the soil and plants have the infected environmental reservoir that will remain for a very long time
(studies suggest more than a decade.) but say magically, our state is able to kill every deer in that zone and keep out every new intruding deer for a decade (that sounds like some terrible deer hunting for the land owners in that county.) But they failed because they didnt also kill and keep out every crow, coyote, fox and wolf and mole and vole that can transmit the infectious agent without becoming infected themselves. Then you would also need to have mandatory vehicle tire wash stations so infected soils could not be carried into and out of this zone. Oh and they will have to stop the wind as well since dust storms can carry infected soil. They wont be able to truck bales of hay out of the farms there due to the plant uptake of prions from the soil lest they spread it to other areas.

Of course none of what I just typed is possible and even if it was, the new deer trapped and introduced to Iowa County would contract CWD from the infectious environmental reservoir and it starts all over again.

Are you still thinking your state game agency or your legislature and devise a management prescription that can stop/halt CWD and hunters can shoot our way out of CWD???

The only way to get out of Communism and socialism is to shoot your way out. That is not true of CWD. You cannot shoot your way out. Its an impossibility even for a small area like a single county of free ranging wild animals that migrate and shed into the environment as they move.

THAT is the point of this thread before it went full stupid. Nobody here is a CWD denier. Its here and in a state thats had it for a Lon time, its here to stay. If this is your state. NOTHING you will do will stop CWD. But it will make you feel good so you can say "Hey at least we are doing/trying something."

Now I return you to off topic and useless personal attacks.
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Back on topic, researchers in Colorado are looking at the effects of prescribed fire on prion numbers in soils and plants. The results are not out, and will not be for a couple more years, but it is an interesting take on CWD management.

I applaud out of the box thinking and new ideas but fear this one wont net the results hoped for as the temps wont get high enough and infected deer that would re-enter an area would re-infect the soil. This sort of thing also would not apply in WI in the ag country where the only thing on the land to burn is crops and homes/farms. But I dont think an area larger than a couple acres would be required for such a test and even soil samples could be heated to temps that mimic a forest fire in a lab to know if it has the desired effect. In WI incinerators and digesters have been used to dispose of carcasses but trying to apply that to millions of acres is not feasible. Bleach too is proven effective on the prions but the thought of enough bleach to effect millions of acres is laughable and all of these ideas dont address the living hosts (cervids) that then repopulate an area only the shed all over again. We cant kill all the deer. We can disinfect all of the environment and both of those things would have to happen at the same time and since neither can, no "shoot more" will have the desired effect to stop CWD. People need to come to terms with this.
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I applaud out of the box thinking and new ideas but fear this one wont net the results hoped for as the temps wont get high enough and infected deer that would re-enter an area would re-infect the soil. This sort of thing also would not apply in WI in the ag country where the only thing on the land to burn is crops and homes/farms. But I dont think an area larger than a couple acres would be required for such a test and even soil samples could be heated to temps that mimic a forest fire in a lab to know if it has the desired effect. In WI incinerators and digesters have been used to dispose of carcasses but trying to apply that to millions of acres is not feasible. Bleach too is proven effective on the prions but the thought of enough bleach to effect millions of acres is laughable and all of these ideas dont address the living hosts (cervids) that then repopulate an area only the shed all over again. We cant kill all the deer. We can disinfect all of the environment and both of those things would have to happen at the same time and since neither can, no "shoot more" will have the desired effect to stop CWD. People need to come to terms with this.

I agree, but it may be a tool to help manage and control spread that is more effective than reducing deer numbers. It is definitely more palatable than complete (or as close as they can get it) removal of deer herds.

I don't have the link, but earlier reports I read said they were planning to conduct the 1st tests in Colorado State University's deer pens that had housed infected animals and had a very high prion count as a "control", since they had years of data on the soils/plants in the areas.

I believe CWD has always been here, but we have just recently learned to identify it. Our herd management and eradication of predators have probably contributed to its increase.
Detection in a herd of reindeer above the artic circle, 1000s of miles from the nearest deer farm, on another continent is a tough one to explain if it hasn't always had a simmering presence in wild cervid populations.

Back on topic, researchers in Colorado are looking at the effects of prescribed fire on prion numbers in soils and plants. The results are not out, and will not be for a couple more years, but it is an interesting take on CWD management.

This is just another article with suggestions and thoughts. The Wyoming G & F is already doing plenty of that. Besides, burning the soil has been tried and it made no difference.

Horses will eat the contaminated plants? SMH...

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