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What I learned about CWD after 17 years of direct involvement

I dont know of a single "expert" that claimed it is a MAIN contributor to the spread of CWD. If they did they could be dismissed out of hand. partially because CWD exists in states where baiting is illegal.
Sorry I was being sarcastic. I think baiting has a little to no influence on how CWD spreads personally but what do I know.
Thanks Jeff. That's interesting. How many years since the last positive?
It was an archery killed buck back in 2008 I believe. Just to make it clear, I know CWD still exists in my area and every year we find a few deer carcasses after winter. In most cases we can't identify what killed them, except the lion kills. I'll attach a photo from last year on my place which is surely a "waster", but obviously not a deer.

Theoretical situation: if somehow we proved without a sliver of doubt that CWD could in fact NOT be transmitted to humans in any possible way, would it still be as big of a concern that is is now?
Maybe not, but there is no way to prove a negative. And we have to consider how things in nature like to mutate, which is how we got to this point. So even if we prove it can’t be transmitted to humans today, tomorrow is no guarantee.
No surprise your pro baiting and pro deer farms. Considering you use both.

My sig line seems to have been written just for you. You entertain me. I know you dont mean to but here you are killing it, I laughed (again) :LOL:

You seldom if ever add any real value or substance to a thread but you do entertain me so thats why I keep you around. Say more words. I like to laugh.
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From a fellow Wisconsin resident that lives in a no baiting area and hunt in several no baiting areas, I do not agree or disagree with the statement that baiting or not baiting affects CWD. However I do not agree with saying that Wisconsin tried the baiting ban in higher concentrated areas and it didn’t help. I say this because every gas station or bait shop in Wisconsin sells corn by the #50 bag, watched 8 skids get delivered to a sporting goods store in a non baiting area the weekend before gun season and it was all sold by thanksgiving. With seeing that and for the people oblivious enough to believe just because it is illegal to bait in these units that people are abiding by it, they should start buying preference points for red and grey squirrels because we are gonna have some good hunting in the next couple years for the amount of corn these squirrels must be eating!!
The 2 week window is such a small blip in the 24/7/365 that its not even on the scale of transmission routes. All the aggregate tonnage of bait plots (which are available to the deer for far longer) is a bigger concern yet is lauded by most folks as Habitat improvements and good conservation practices. Its funny.
Side question, some of data in the WY CWD plan showed very high rates of infection in the samples (30-40%). Did the state (or CO or WI or any other state) see massive natural CWD die offs in those areas (or any other area)?

WI has not. CWD is not causing any sort of die off, the only way its discovered the deer has CWD was due to the three "B's" (bullets, bumpers and broadheads) after the fact. Even in the areas with the highest infection rates, you would hear of any die off to the landscape littered with deer that died of CWD.
You keep saying this (probably copy/pasting from the other 17 forums you troll). I don’t know how to tell you this, but you don’t have a sig line.

I can see my sig Line in all my posts. It says "The joy is in the doing. In life you will encounter haters. Laugh at them."
I wonder why? I have checked the box (so its on) the box that says "Show signature lines on other's posts" Others may have that box unchecked so they dont see sig lines.

The point is, I laugh at haters. It disarms them. I dont suffer fools very well so I laugh at them. Some give me ample opportunity to laugh at them. That why I dont use the ignore feature. They are typically off topic like the joker here that pouts and whines constantly.
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and im ok with that. always speak honestly and be yourself. If folks dont like that, It remains their problem. Dont change who you are to appease others. I NEVER treat people good or bad. I treat them "Accordingly". (How they treat me.) That has served me well.
Theoretical situation: if somehow we proved without a sliver of doubt that CWD could in fact NOT be transmitted to humans in any possible way, would it still be as big of a concern that is is now?
The species barrier is constantly being challenged in the USA and other countries. On top of the are 50 years of people eating infected meat with no cases of VCJD in humans that have eaten CWD infected venison. that a a pretty good track record both in the lab and the real world but perhaps one day a person will be born that is able to contract VCJD from infected venison. While very very very unlikely, it can never be ruled out.
You Kill high fence farmed elk and deer, you bait deer Illegally, and now your on here proclaiming the deer farming industry will be the solution to CWD. That's rich.

You and your ilk that get their rocks off shooting farm animals and calling it hunting are part of the problem and quite frankly need to go away.
And as for contributions yours amounts to self promotion and pontification. Dont worry this crowd will get tired of just like every other hunting forum you been booted off of.
You Kill high fence farmed elk and deer,

hehehe. I laughed again. :LOL: When did I kill a high fenced deer??? this sort of BS manufactured nonsense makes you look lame but It made me laugh so thanks for that.:LOL:

"In life you will encounter haters. Laugh at them"

So I do. :LOL: You make it easy. So thanks for that.
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Theoretical situation: if somehow we proved without a sliver of doubt that CWD could in fact NOT be transmitted to humans in any possible way, would it still be as big of a concern that is is now?

I think this is a really important point, and to me the answer would be no- just let it run its course.
CWD is not causing any sort of die off
Yes it is. You just haven't noticed it yet.
If I have to pick between people who get paid to deal with CWD vs people whose qualification is internet access and one figure that is sufficiently coordinated to type, I’ll go with the pros.
I’m struggling to see any difference between the CWD deniers and anti-Vaxxers.
next time include the entire quote not just what serves your purpose. I wrote

"WI has not. CWD is not causing any sort of die off," I spoke to WI not other states.

the rest of your post was pointless fluff and was of no vale whatsoever.
Side question, some of data in the WY CWD plan showed very high rates of infection in the samples (30-40%). Did the state (or CO or WI or any other state) see massive natural CWD die offs in those areas (or any other area)?

I’m not sure what you mean by massive die off. Were there suddenly carcasses littering the landscape like you see with EHD? No, but you wouldn’t expect that because EHD is an acute disease (happens quick) and CWD is, obviously, chronic so inherently progresses slowly. If you’re simply talking population declines, they’ve been documented in multiple states for multiple species in localized areas where prevalences are high-



Elk declines have not yet been observed, probably because prevalences haven’t reached the same levels as they have in deer (so far) but multiple modeling studies using observed demographic, mortality and CWD data suggest they will also experience declines if prevalences continue to rise-


Another study on elk in Wind Cave NP reached similar conclusions. I saw that one presented at a conference a couple years ago but can’t find a link to an abstract or paper at the moment.