What caliber are you using to get pass through shots on elk

I like pass thru's with archery tackle, but I'd rather have a good mushroom with a slug.
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Bullets kill by delivering energy to the target which causes trauma ('hydro-static shock' sounds cool). Arrows kill by cutting. If your bullet passes through, you have energy that was wasted.

That's the complaint with copper (especially cheap copper bullets) - it pokes holes ('pencils') through without delivering the energy to the target.
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Bullets kill by delivering energy to the target which causes trauma ('hydro-static shock' sounds cool). Arrows kill by cutting. If your bullet passes through, you have energy that was wasted.

That's the complaint with copper (especially cheap copper bullets) - it pokes holes ('pencils') through without delivering the energy to the target.
This is actually incorrect. A bullet kills by creating a wound channel that causes either damage to the nervous system or rapid loss of blood leading to CNS shutdown/hypovolemic shock.
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I've shot 2 antelope, 2 elk, and 1 deer with this set up. No pass thru's, but all but 1 antelope tipped over on the spot.

I like pass thru's with archery tackle, but I'd rather have a good mushroom with a slug.
I agree. I love it when I find a bullet just against the skin with good weight retention IMO that is ideal bullet performance. I've found nothing better for that then nosler Accubonds or Partitions.20211120_115436.jpg20211120_115433.jpg

I wouldn't describe the ELD-X as mushrooming more exploding at least in my experience. Shot a antelope buck at 280 yards and a doe at 160 yards with 178gr 30-06. No pass through and didn't find a piece of bullet over 30gr and the only word for the damage was excessive. Don't get me wrong killed them stone dead just not what I call good bullet performance.
Hello all, I hunt mostly deer and a lot of the places I hunt it's think and if the deer run off very far you're going to have to blood trail. I like a Caliber and bullet that leaves a good blood trail. I've only been a part of a few elk hunts but only one has left a blood trail. The elk I'n the picture was shot at 200yrds with a 280rem with a 154 SST. The bullet entered in the ribs and exited just in front of the shoulder you can see in the picture. This elk ran 400 yards and then was shot again.

I just like a good blood trail and am interested in what more experience elk hunters are seeing and using.

Last two previous years I borrowed a 7mm STW and I was blessed with getting a bull both years. Both around 200yrs both were pass thru.
Some people prefer pass-through with a wound channel. Some people like massive trauma. Larger exit wounds are nice for blood trailing but I don't find that as important as trailing whitetail through the woods. Massive trauma usually means less need for a bloodtrail with an accurate shot. Both have pros and cons :)

Pack as much energy as you can for the range you prefer. Make sure you can handle the recoil for that cartridge. Know the windage and elevation changes needed for an accurate shot. Find an elk. Dead is dead.
I've shot one elk. Got a near lengthwise pass through on a cow elk at +/-400 yards with a .308, shooting regular old Remington Core-Lokts.
270 Win, 126gr Hammer Hunter, 3250 fps.

Exits on elk out to 400 yds, exits on deer out to 470 (furthest I have shot). Nothing has gone more than about 50 yards on the far shots. Some drop immediately, some stumble a short distance.
Hammers next for me. Have you already tried out the 117 hunter or absolute? And you’re close in weight to the Barnes LR ttsx, have you tried that?
Hammers next for me. Have you already tried out the 117 hunter or absolute? And you’re close in weight to the Barnes LR ttsx, have you tried that?
I used to shoot the standard 130 gr TTSX. Good performance, everything I shot with it died, pass throughs on elk out to 400 yds. I like the hammers more for 2 reasons.

#1: In my experience they are more accurate. The best 3 shot group with my load is 0.28 MOA at 200yds. Load build up was 10 or 12 shots, including laddering.
#2: I can push them faster than the TTSX in my gun, so the longer range performance is better. The bullet performance is also different, more reliable expansion at lower velocities, pedal shedding, etc.

I haven't shot the 117 or absolute. I have a box of 124's ready to load in my GF's gun. I shoot the 126's because I have a 1-9" twist, I have thought about shooting the 140 HH, but it is hard for me to chase another load when the one I have (zeroe'd at 300 yds) is point and shoot to ~350 and holds over 1500 ft-lbs past 500yds. That is perfect for elk and deer in MT.
I spoke with multiple folks on the subject when I bought my 270 after hunting with a 30-06 for for years (my dads gun). They said with new ammo you can use 243 on up to put down elk. Most ammo has 90% or higher retention weight now.
I have shot my last 6 elk with my 270 and 145 grain Barnes. Found 3 of the 6 (other 3 passed through) bullets on the other side in hide. All 3 had mushroomed perfect. All elk fell where they stood. Spend the money on quality ammo and make a good shot. Not any of that 1000 yard crap and your good.
I spoke with multiple folks on the subject when I bought my 270 after hunting with a 30-06 for for years (my dads gun). They said with new ammo you can use 243 on up to put down elk. Most ammo has 90% or higher retention weight now.
I have shot my last 6 elk with my 270 and 145 grain Barnes. Found 3 of the 6 (other 3 passed through) bullets on the other side in hide. All 3 had mushroomed perfect. All elk fell where they stood. Spend the money on quality ammo and make a good shot. Not any of that 1000 yard crap and your good.
.243 wrecks the meat, too much bloodshot. Guys who know nowadays use mono copper 22-250 on elk, moose. I heard it.
That’s wicked accurate! What powder did you use? I’m working through 6.5 Staball (burn rate like H-100v) and very happy with results. My barrel is 22”, 1:10. Are you loading these to mag length?
That’s wicked accurate! What powder did you use? I’m working through 6.5 Staball (burn rate like H-100v) and very happy with results. My barrel is 22”, 1:10. Are you loading these to mag length?
I used IMR 4451. It looks like I will have to use something else for future loads (H4350 is closest) as they are discontinuing IMR 4451. I have a Win Model 70, I bought a new mag box and "modified" it to accept longer COAL. Basically I crushed down the spacer and re-oriented the feeding flange. Works very well now.
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