PEAX Equipment

What brings you luck?

Hunting Wife

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2014
Almost North Dakota, not quite Canada
Some people might call it superstition. Some people call it lucky. Some people just value the sentiment. But I know lots of hunters who have some “thing” they carry in the field for no practical reason, other than it gives them a feeling of connection, or confidence, or luck. What items do you have that give you that little mental boost when you have it with you in the field?

Mine is a disgusting old hat. I’ve had this thing for like 20 years. It’s faded, blood-stained, sweat-stained, and kind of smelly honestly. Nothing really special about it, other than it’s in many, many of my grip and grins. If I’m traveling to hunt, this one always gets packed. And if I’m struggling on a hunt, I always grab this one unless it’s completely impractical for the conditions. I don’t really know why.

I had a “killin s@&$” hat for a lot of years. I wore it duck hunting with great effect,while chasing pheasants, and deer for many seasons. I missed a couple of chip shots while wearing it, and the mojo was gone. I’m still wearing it. But haven’t done much for the past 2-3 years. I think it’s time to break in a new hat.
Caffiene. Alcohol and a little bit of hate has worked for me for years, that and soon as I feel sorry for myself to quit whining and that's usually when success happens
I always stop at the McDonald's in Wellington prior to hunting with CPO..... worked incredibly well the first year and not stopping now. Used to buy my beer and OTC tag at the store in Toponas before it closed 😞
I have a crushable Stetson my daughter got me, and two union suits the old man gave me. Wear them both when out hunting. The hat is with me almost always. Rarely leaves the truck. Gotta have peanut M&Ms, ritual with the old man. Didn't pack them with me this, year I went solo.
I don't consider it particularly lucky, but my Stanley thermos has travelled and hunted most of the Eastern seaboard and a large swath of the mountain West. The dark patina inside and dents on the outside have been earned and it will continue to accompany me on all my adventures until one day it or myself are no longer able to continue. In the pic it is poking out of the decoy bag. IMG_20811.jpg
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Idk yet I keep trying new things, but nothing seems to be working.
If it doesn't work. You have to build an alter to HuntTalkMan. And ask him for his help. This not praying to a false God. HuntTalkMan is the Patron Saint of Hunt Talk. He's the kinda like the Uncle everyone loves, but your mother doesn't want you around for fear of what he may teach you. Anyway the ritual.

The lucky item must be placed in an area where it is plainly visible to everyone. YOU must then put on a pair of fairy wings (more glitter the bettet) wearing your boxers and a unicorn horn. Then you have to build a small fire and hop around it on one foot then the other, this will come naturally as you will be barefoot and this must be done on the coldest night possible. While hopping around you gotta chant. "RIGHT IN THE FUGGIN HEAD!!
IF this doesn't work maybe run to the dollar store and get a rabbit's foot.

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