Caribou Gear

What are your goals for DEER this year?

Ive never been elk or muley hunting id love to now that ive got a rifle capeable of nocking down such a beast id love to but as far as whitetail i set my rope kinda high for this next season last year i got a nice 7 point 14 1/4" inside 16 3/8" outside opening morning and a 11point 17 3/4" inside and 19 7/8" outside the following day so i had a good season. Ive got to top my girlfriend she got a 13 point and a 9 point out of my stand during bow season.
Mule deer for the oldest 2 kids, whitetail for the youngest 2 and if all goes well an Antelope for my bride. Eminator is still talking Elk and I'll hold out until the end for anything worthy of hanging on the wall.
ten days till the result cards come in the mail for oregon, with luck i'll be hunting the high cascade wilderness tag. with exceptional luck i'll be in the east whitehorse unit. no luck puts me hunting blacktails on the north umpqua watershed
I want one good muley and one good whitetail both 4x4's or better. Problably will take a few other smaller bucks, does as well. Whitetail make pretty good table fare!

SD doesn't have many huge muleys, but with a little homework and luck, I'll get a respectable buck.

I have a good whitetail located in an archery only area. At least I think its him, he's a big bodied bugger, located within a couple hundred yards of where I found his sheds. Last year he was a 4x4 very heavy with some palmation along the main beam. I just need to sit on him this summer and hopefully put an arrow in him late sept or early oct.
tag on a couple doe's then be picky for a nice rack to come by. As long as we got enought meat in the freezer. But I would some day like to go on a elk hunt. I love to tag out on the first day some where in orgeon and then spend 5to6 days fishing trout and salmon deep into the back country if that exist :D
Start with my daughter getting a better deer than last years first deer.Then hopefully I'll draw a controlled elk tag in Idaho for elk and combo it with a deer hunt. Hoping to get my first Muley there, size depends on the quality in that area but a 24 inch 4x4 sounds ok to me.If that don't work I may try to go to South Dakota for a Muley whitetail hunt in November. Then finally me and my son will give it our all for a respectable whitetail in Iowa. I've always dreamed about a muley buck and this may be the year.
My goals are......

Montana- Bow, Whitetail or Muley Buck. Rifle a shooter 24" + Muley or decent WT.

WY- Rifle, a WT or Muley buck, as I only have a couple of days to hunt.

CO- Rifle, Hold out for a 24"+ Muley or eat tag soup.

KS- Rifle, A decent WT buck.

Now come the last day or so, I might get weak and shoot a squeaker.

I ate tag soup on both of my deer hunts last year and even with a lot of pepper, it still had a gamey taste, especially those NR tags. :eek:
Hiker you need to deep fry them left over tags!! Did you pick an area in MT for your elk hunt?
My goal is to find a new place to hunt on public land. One that has shitloads of deer, lots of big bucks, preferably 40" non-typicals with drop tines and lots of mass. The area will be easily accessable by a road so I don't have to pack one very far after I shoot it.
Hiker said:
CO- Rifle, Hold out for a 24"+ Muley or eat tag soup.
Hiker, here's a CO buck that easily scores 24". You ought to think about setting your goals a little higher. ;)


No real goal for mule deer this year. Probably won't shoot a mediocre buck, though. I'd like to shoot a 100" Sitka blacktail, but that might be setting my sights a little high. I'd at least like to find a 4x4.
280 Rem, I haven't decided yet. I'm planning on a solo bow hunt and if the Grizzlies don't eat me, I plan on going back for a rifle hunt, if unsuccessful with the stick & string.

Oak, That's a beauty. :D I'd more then likely take 280Rem's advice and deep fry that tag. Veal does have a good flavor though. Are you going to build your Elk PP back up? or just hunt 1-2 PP units?
For me, its not so much the money or the place to do it. Its the time. I can't get away for a good amount of time to go hunting. Matter of fact I haven't been hunting for myself in the last 4 years. With the exception of that bobcat that I shot with my kids a few weeks ago, that's been it. I've taken them outdoors plenty of times with me. Just haven't had the time to really get away for like a week long hunt. Just me and the outdoors. I'm trying to plan something out of state for next year. Maybe a bear hunt in New Mexico.
Well, last yr. I helped one of my best friends break his cherry with a nice bowkill buck. I killed a couple does and a bunch of "cull" bucks.
This yr. I drew a bull tag for Co. and will be hunt'in with Bambistew, so that's #1 on my list!!
#2 I'd like to bag a good buck with my bow, and the rest of the seasons, let the cards fall where they will.
A bull elk, a good buck, and my typical take and I'll be a very happy hunter!!:cool:
hoping for a 180" or better muley with my bow but will have to see what size grows up this year i didn't find any sheds that big so its doughtful but a guy has to dream big.
6-10 fawns so small and tender you can cut the steaks with a fork.

(i can almost see them when i close my eye's......standing there broadside, their spots barely noticeable anymore, their little legs trembling supporting the weight gained over the long summer from working the nipple, the flicker of the tail while they carelessly feed on the still green soy beans.......ohh, its paradise now but its about to turn into pure hell ...."welcome to death row you little Mother :BLEEP:'s" i say to myself as i pull the hammer back on the 50 cal. encore ............the sound of the bullet report and the bawl of a fawn as it takes its last breath echo across the field........ )

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