That's the challenge as what to do with the huge group of people who can't/don't want earn enough income on their own to make it as self employed, but also don't really want to come to work for someone else.
This is why uber, gub hub, shopify, etc are so popular it's like owning their own business in short spurts but no real responsibility.
I think that's why offices worked as it forces people to at least appear to be working, show up, brush teeth, etc.... If a person can do their job from home in a few hours a day then it's really more of a part time job they want to be paid full time for. That's why we saw so many people who took on 2 jobs during the pandemic as they were only working 2-4 hours a day for each job. For those who are not ambitious they just slept and screwed around it seems.
Study Shows People Working From Home Are Having Sex, Dating, Taking Naps And Doing Side Hustles On Company Time
A recent study captured the current zeitgeist of our working-from-home
Study Shows People Working From Home Are Having Sex, Dating, Taking Naps And Doing Side Hustles On Company Time
well i think that just goes to show how efficient the world is now.
the only "corporate" folks i know who actually have 8-9 hours of ACTUAL work a day 5 days a week and barely seem to be able to stay above water are the "type A" folks living miserable stressed out lives. the types that HAVE to feel busy, not NEED to be busy. the types of people that could be stuck on a desert island with literally nothing but a free taco bar and supermodels but would still find a way to be stressed about having to get stuff done.
the reality is most crap can get done in less than eight hours. the forced work from home situation just exposed to employers how outdated their model is - forcing people to sit at work looking busy instead of having some degree of life when they get their shit done.
but gotta have asses in seats, cuz that's how it's always been done