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What are "YOU" going to tag next year ?

I haven't decided yet where I'll be hunting. I'll be hunting with a bow, but I have to decide if I want to buy a western Washington tag, or an eastern Washington tag. With a western tag cows and 3 pt. minimum bulls will be legal. Eastern tag, cows or spikes. Either way, I'm guessing if I shoot anything it will be a cow. I'm not picky, the first elk that is within 40 yards is what I will take. (unless I draw a special permit, then tha will be a different story)
If last year was any indication, all I'll probably tag this year will be a "Christmas present"

All indications are I should get to start school this year, that greatly hinders the time dedicated to scouting. In-all, I will be quite happy with a cow this season, (time permitting).
I'm holding out for a 6-pack. I have a 14 day hunt scheduled for the last two weeks of September. If the bulls are in my honey hole "Wallyworld", a 6x6 should be no problem. A big 5x5 would definitly temp me though.

A 250'ish 5x6 arrowed at 25 yards.

For the first time in 8 years I didn't tag an elk in 2002. The freezer needs elk in it. I'm 100% ok with tagging a sub 300 bull.

T Bone
Hopefully it will work out fot you Randy!...think positive man!

Goodluck Meathead....Elky will have you in the right zone..from there, anything is possible....that's what draems are made of man!
Caribou Gear

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