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What are you currently reloading?

That didn't go so well. After prepping, priming and loading powder into the cases, I finally opened the box of Deep Curls only to find a warning note to not follow standard loading practices. WTF. Ah, hell, I proceeded anyway. After loading and final crimping 40 different cartridges, I called it good for the night and went inside the house. It had peaked my curiosity so I looked it up on the web. Damn, they can have pressure problems. About half are loaded with Vectan Tubal 8000 which I have load data for but it always seemed to say I can get more powder in the case than I can. Kinda like the starting load is closer to the max load. Not a good thing to take chances with so this morning I pulled all 40 bullets. There really wasn't any marks left on the pulled bullets and I did it with a fencing pliers so I do believe they are case hardened. I then tried to load Nosler 165 Ballistic tips but the bullet was getting stuck in the seating die so I dropped that idea and now have them loaded with 165 Speer boat tails. Just need it to warm up or quit blowing so I can check the fruits of my labor.
.270 Win that was renamed .270 Thors Hammer from its performance.
27" Preferred Barrel Light Palma, 700LA trued, 1:8tw, 0.290 freebore, Triggertech.

156HH @3250 with RL26, topped over 3300. Very accurate, farthest kill to date 615ys. Fun rifle to shoot!

I loaded up 60 rounds for a depredation hunt I was invited recently. Thankfully, have 12#'s of RL26!
.270 Win that was renamed .270 Thors Hammer from its performance.
27" Preferred Barrel Light Palma, 700LA trued, 1:8tw, 0.290 freebore, Triggertech.

156HH @3250 with RL26, topped over 3300. Very accurate, farthest kill to date 615ys. Fun rifle to shoot!

I loaded up 60 rounds for a depredation hunt I was invited recently. Thankfully, have 12#'s of RL26!
So nice to hear that you have plans to shoot at an animal past 615 yards. I'm sure you are a good shot and all, but it kills me that people are proud of doing this, so much so, that they need to post it on the internet.
So nice to hear that you have plans to shoot at an animal past 615 yards. I'm sure you are a good shot and all, but it kills me that people are proud of doing this, so much so, that they need to post it on the internet.
I build rifles to maximize their performance, the 615yds is actually at my own self imposed maximum distance for a variety of reasons one of which is not the rifle. The internet is a place to share information. You can take it or leave it.
Got a week of bitter cold coming up, so I'll probably be doing more loading than shooting.
Working on a good load for my 45 colt with 280gr WFN around 1025fps and a 32H&R load with 130gr SWC that's 925fps from my sp101.
Need to load up some more 6ARC 105gr BTHPs and some 300BLK 220gr subs.
Also told my Dad I'd load a couple hundred 32H&R 98gr WCs for his J-frame. Should be a good time to do that.

Hoping to get out and shoot some instead of just loading.
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I’m looking to reload my 6.8 western. I have vihtivouri powder. Any suggestions? I have 550, 165, 555, and 560.
I’m looking to reload my 6.8 western. I have vihtivouri powder. Any suggestions? I have 550, 165, 555, and 560.
What bullet? Any of them could work well with the cartridge. 550 might be a bit on the fast side for heavies.