What are you currently reading?

Just finished Pale Horse Coming and Snipers Honor, both by Stephen Hunter. Snipers Honor was good, but Pale Horse Coming is fantastic.
Im about 3/4 through "Greater Yellowstones Mountain Ungulates: A contrast in Management Histories and Challenges".
Its been really good, anyone who's interested in goats and sheep will enjoy it.


Answered a lot of my questions about the trail drives and Settlement of the Northern Plains.
I just finished Shaking Hands with the Devil and i'm now on They fight like soldiers, they die like children. Both by Romeo Dallaire
Just started so no qualified opinion yet. Gist of the book is how our hardwiring/evolution as humans conflicts with and impacts our current society and well being. Big fan of their podcast. Expecting good things.
Which podcast?
I have been into the William Kent Krueger series about a PI in the Minnesota north woods. Pretty good.
One I finished earlier this year was ‘Where do camels belong’ by Ken Thompson. Really interesting and well done book. The main premise is centered around invasive species and how we tend to omit data based decisions when managing them. I read the book because it specifically challenged some of my views and I’m glad I did. If you’re into ecology it’s worth a read.

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