PEAX Equipment

What are you currently reading?

I got halfway through and stopped for a few months to read some other works, but now I'm back to reading Boone's biography. The sad half of it.
On Desperate Ground was compelling. I recently finished Transcendent Kingdom and The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Both fiction and both good.
Colonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. Third and last installment of his series on TR. A fascinating and complex man
Just started The Last Stand, but Michael Punke. Fascinating character study of George Bird Grinnell, and the events that led to the near extinction of the buffalo... As well as the conservation movement to save them, but I haven't reached that part yet 😉
Just finished "Ridgeline" by Michael Punke (guy who wrote the Revenant). Interesting book about the Fetterman Calvary Massacre in 1866 by a collection of native tribes lead by Red Cloud and Crazy Horse
Reading right now:

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Interesting story about a guy who stole raptor eggs from around the world for the Middle Eastern falconry Black Market.

Next up:
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I know nothing about the Korean War. This sounds like a good start.
Youre going to be addicted to the Korean War after that - Good Night Chesty, Where Ever You Are!
I’m not much of a fiction reader, but needed a change of pace from my usual genres so I started reading the Joe Pickett series by CJ Box. I am on book #4 and I am really enjoying them so far.
Re-reading John "Pondoro" Taylor's African Rifles and Cartridges. Although I may not ever hunt Africa, it's well-written and an interesting read. Some age-old lessons never change: You have to have complete confidence in your rifle and ammunition and then in yourself and even a .600 Nitro-Express guarantees nothing without proper shot placement.
I usually like to have a mix of non-fiction (serious history) and fiction.
Have been reading this. A very interesting dimension of Neanderthals in a zero-sum game of survival of the fittest.
Then, I've been reading Arthur Miller's The Crucibles, a wonderful play based on the Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century. Although based o the trial, it serves as a scathing criticism of McCarthyism of the 50s.
And finally, I've been reading this wonderful collection. Specifically, I'm reading Leopard of Rudraprayag.
Just got this in today:


There’s a big controversy about it in Texas.
I just read The Third Pole: Mystery, Death and Obsession on Mount Everest by Mark Synnott. It’s about the search for Sandy Irvine’s body and the camera he was carrying, and it gave some great history on the history of Mount Everest and those who have tried to summit it. It was a really good book.

Now I’m reading Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez.
Just finished 2034. Very good. It's about a possible war with China in the near future. Very engaging. Sort of Tom Clancy-ish. Written by an admiral and another vet.
Caribou Gear

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