What a way to start the day!


New member
Dec 17, 2000
Littleton, CO, USA
I volunteer for the Colorado Division of Wildlife. This morning I conducted an elk count on some ground just south of Denver. The bugling was intense. I counted 22 separate branch antlered bulls, three of which were humongus (like Greenhorns). I watched four different pairs of bulls sparring. Interstingly, I only saw one cow. Pretty cool, especially given that this area is only four miles from my house. I wish I had taken a camera.... I would have had some great pics to share.
TM, That's terrific!! What fun!
what elevation?? just wondering because i plan to hunt the 5-6000 foot elevation and was worried that the elk may have left due to the drought.

This area is in the same elevation range you will be hunting. Be carefull to draw any conclusions from this, however. The area I was working in is not 'normal'. It contains a resident herd that never leaves the property and hasn't ever been hunted. There are permanent water sources on the property and it is not grazed by livestock. You will probably find things somewhat different where you are going to be.
Yes this is in the Daniels Park area. Hunting will actually be allowed there this year. But that wasn't advertised and the tags are all gone. It would have been awsome to have gotten in on the first hunt there.
Yeah thats right, I did hear they sold tags but it was kept quiet. Next year it will be more publicized, probably looking at 5-6 points if all goes well I suppose. Wouldnt say its exactly a gimme for elk but might be close if the conditions are right.
I have been communicating via email about all this with the DOW. I'm getting some mixed information. I ran into a DOW officer in the field while performing the elk count and she told me the ground I was on is public, despite the fact that its posted. Now they are telling me the area I was on (just north of Daniels Park) is indeed private and I can't go back (which had planned on doing tomorrow).

So.. I wonder if the hunting we are talking about is limited to just Daniels Park, which is owned by the city of Denver. If this is the case, than this isn't nearly the great opportunity I had originally thought it was.