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West Texas Aoudad Down

They don't have a problem eradicating mountain goats in NPs for the sheep to thrive. Auodad wouldn't stand a chance if they wanted to have sheep rebound or become more established in a specific area.
Federal government is required to take certain actions according to NEPA, Endangered Species Act, etc. Private ranchers are driven by money and state agencies are driven by money and/or political agendas.
I know for a fact that this is done with the aoudad where they are trying to protect the bighorn sheep herds.
Very true, San Andres mountains in NM for example. The ethics of that could be discussed in a whole new thread, but regardless of that we should not be using that as an excuse for our own unethical behavior.
You are very young and as with all hunters have things to learn. Of course your texas guide told you it should be wasted. That does not absolve you from being a responsible hunter and doing research to know damn well many folks eat them regardless of animal age. I bet you know NM requires a hunter to bring the meat out. How does that jibe with just letting it rot on your Texas hunt?

My Texas aoudad guide told me all manner of BS to justify leaving the meat in the field… “just leave it, no good etc.”. Told him to pound sand and start helping get meat out, NOW. Shot perhaps an older aoudad than you did and it was good eating. Not great but sure as heck not something to leave in a ditch while carrying out horns and cape.

As you are early in your hunting career, hope you start delivering more for yourself instead of listening to guides with incentive to take the lazy route out of doing work.
Hmmm...is it responsible to kill 2 moose on one tag? Continue to hunt once you shoot an animal, find significant blood, and continue on to shoot another? Most of the hunters I hang with would find that pretty irresponsible, if not downright reprehensible.

I think the OP is getting dog piled by the ethics police, from some that could use a good look in the mirror, on several fronts.

That said, I've shot an aoudad, they aren't the best eating critter out there. IMO, about like a tough mule deer, with maybe a bit more mild flavor. If I shot another I'd make some sort of sausage out of it, like I do with most deer I shoot.
For those of you hammering WK about leaving the meat, why don't you hammer those that leave bear meat?
Agreed. If its not required to take the meat on bears, most don't. Even when its taken, I bet a majority of it is freezer burned and chucked the next year. Personally, I'd rather see that bear meat left in the woods for other critters to eat than thrown in a landfill.
Hmmm...is it responsible to kill 2 moose on one tag? Continue to hunt once you shoot an animal, find significant blood, and continue on to shoot another? Most of the hunters I hang with would find that pretty irresponsible, if not downright reprehensible.

I think the OP is getting dog piled by the ethics police, from some that could use a good look in the mirror, on several fronts.

That said, I've shot an aoudad, they aren't the best eating critter out there. IMO, about like a tough mule deer, with maybe a bit more mild flavor. If I shot another I'd make some sort of sausage out of it, like I do with most deer I shoot.
Who did the moose shooting and what does that have to do with the rest of us “ethics police” or the topic at hand? You call it dog piling, I see it as trying to educate and having legitimate rebuttals for the arguments justifying leaving meat out to rot. I thought we were allowed to have debates here.
Texas is different. Having lived here for too dang long now, I have come to understand the shooting and leaving mentality on certain invasive critters like pigs and audad. I'd personally take the meat and try it, but they are insanely destructive to feeders (which are about as near to a Texan's heart as their wife) and other equipment.

So are elk for that matter. If you want to really be outraged, realize that elk are considered invasive species in Texas and can be killed by just about any means on private land.
Who did the moose shooting and what does that have to do with the rest of us “ethics police” or the topic at hand? You call it dog piling, I see it as trying to educate and having legitimate rebuttals for the arguments justifying leaving meat out to rot. I thought we were allowed to have debates here.
Why is it necessary that every animal ends up a human turd? Aoudad are invasive, its not legally required to take the meat in Texas, and I'm not sure why the need for anyone to justify leaving it. Further, I don't think anyone needs an education about leaving meat they aren't required by law to retain.

For the record, I think aoudad is worth taking.
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. Even when its taken, I bet a majority of it is freezer burned and chucked the next year
I think people would be amazed at the amount of hunters who do this even with deer every year. I've known several that I've worked with etc who do the same every year. Spend money at the processor etc then toss it next year in the name of freezer burn. All feel good bullshit.
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Who did the moose shooting and what does that have to do with the rest of us “ethics police” or the topic at hand? You call it dog piling, I see it as trying to educate and having legitimate rebuttals for the arguments justifying leaving meat out to rot. I thought we were allowed to have debates here.
If you want to eat bear meat, aoudad, carp, raccoon, skunk, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, starlings, whatever is legal to kill, I think YOU should.

Doesn't mean I'm going to eat the raccoon I killed that was eating bird seed out of my feeders, the carp I throw on the bank, or the starlings that harass bluebirds. I don't need to justify leaving them for other critters to eat.
Why is necessary that every animal ends up a human turd? Aoudad are invasive, its not legally required to take the meat in Texas, and I'm not sure why the need for anyone to justify leaving it.
Maybe you don’t but there’s clearly a lot of us that do see the need. If aoudad are such a destructive invasive species then why don’t we all band together to remove them from the United States? The only reason not to eradicate them is for their hunting value. So if we are not eating the meat, we are basically keeping them around because we enjoy killing them. If that’s not f—-ed up in your book then in my opinion your basic moral compass is screwed up.
If you want to eat bear meat, aoudad, carp, raccoon, skunk, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, starlings, whatever is legal to kill, I think YOU should.

Doesn't mean I'm going to eat the raccoon I killed that was eating bird seed out of my feeders, the carp I throw on the bank, or the starlings that harass bluebirds. I don't need to justify leaving them for other critters to eat.
Do you even kill the carp before you throw them on the bank or do you just let them die slowly?
Maybe you don’t but there’s clearly a lot of us that do see the need. If aoudad are such a destructive invasive species then why don’t we all band together to remove them from the United States? The only reason not to eradicate them is for their hunting value. So if we are not eating the meat, we are basically keeping them around because we enjoy killing them. If that’s not f—-ed up in your book then in my opinion your basic moral compass is screwed up.
Look, I don't have a dog in this fight. Buzz makes some good points, and so do you. But your name is literally TX Trophy Hunter... and you're lecturing about eating every animal we kill? That's what you call ironic!
Maybe you don’t but there’s clearly a lot of us that do see the need. If aoudad are such a destructive invasive species then why don’t we all band together to remove them from the United States? The only reason not to eradicate them is for their hunting value. So if we are not eating the meat, we are basically keeping them around because we enjoy killing them. If that’s not f—-ed up in your book then in my opinion your basic moral compass is screwed up.
I wouldn't lose sleep if the exotics in Texas were gone, they're invasive. The only reason most of the circus/exotic animals in Texas are around is precisely because people enjoy killing them. People enjoy killing them, and others profit off that killing. The meat is not even a tertiary thought. I would like to know how much exotic game is actually consumed by humans in Texas, I bet less than half.
Look, I don't have a dog in this fight. Buzz makes some good points, and so do you. But your name is literally TX Trophy Hunter... and you're lecturing about eating every animal we kill? That's what you call ironic!

This will clarify that
I wouldn't lose sleep if the exotics in Texas were gone, they're invasive. The only reason most of the circus/exotic animals in Texas are around is precisely because people enjoy killing them. People enjoy killing them, and others profit off that killing.
I agree about the exotics. I also believe that the second half of your statement is what the anti hunting crowd is using to fight against hunting. And we need support from the non-hunters who have not picked a side. Now read through this whole thread and think about what kind of opinions a non hunter might get based on the different comments. And I can guarantee you that a lot of the “lurkers” here are looking for information to use to draw those non hunters to their side.