Kenetrek Boots

Well I milked a....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
.......hunt from Idaho Smiley while I was in Eastern Idaho. Since he was going out anyways he said I could tag along. He didn't leave me in the Hills so I don't think he hated me ?!??!!!? So it must have been OK on his end too.

The hunt started off like a Typical Moosie adventure. I got to Pokey on Wed and stayed up most of the Night playing Vid games and Visiting with Inlaws. Thursday was a Food fest all day and lots of visiting. Then the Evening Gaming started. Got a Call From Idaho Smilie that he would pick me up at 3AM and would call 2:45AM..... WOW, This gave me enuf time to Kick the 'Puter games A$$ untill 2:30AM when I scrambled to get dressed thenn started another level .... untill RING !! "I'm here at the Gas station".

So I bolt out the door and Accross the street and meet Smiley. What a funny guy. He makes a few Jokes And the mornnig starts off with a bang. He makes sure i have my Licence .. check... Hound Permit.... UHHHHH WHAT ? CHIT !!!! I always Buy everything so I have it all but don't use 1/2 the stuff... Salmon Permit, Steelhead, Muzzloader, Fly swatting Permit... HELL, Whatever, But here I was without a Hound permit.. So Of to Walmart, 3AM the day after thanx giving.

We roll into the store and talk to the guy at the Licence place... "Uhhh I can't help you, Let me get someone else". Apperently there needs to be a Certified F&G checker outer person or something.... WTF ?!?! so 10 mins go by and We talk to 14 different people that go by and Everyone is looking for this One chick, Who is probably watching me on camera laughing because she is an Anti hunter or some chit....

So while we are waiting a LAdy strikes up a Nice conversation, "Guys going Goose hunting ? " No MAM, Going to hunt Lions....

Now, this is where I realize I fugged up, I got the "LOOK" and she said /// "OHHHH"... I had a Few Smart ASS things to say, You know, Having played Grand Theft Auto for the Past 12 hours I was ready with a Stick to beat her ;)

I.S. stepped in and talked about the Great tase of Cats and how it helps Deer herds and shit I couldn't make up if I had time ot think about it. Realizing that was the Propper way to go I thanked him when We left knowing I would have said somethnig to offend the lady....

So we hit the Trail and hook up with some other guys. And split roads and look for tracks. Now, I'm used to not getting much sleep, Usually I get a Few hors but Even with NO hours sleeping I can Usually function. But sitting in a Car were it's warm on a Dirt road I fought the next 6 hours of Eye Smashing like I never did Before. 1/2 the time I was nodding of and Sometimes 1/2 way through a Sentence !!!

But then, We cut a Track. BOING !!! OK, there wasn't good fresh snow and it was a day old but it was soemthing. We tried to Track it and Started Hiking the Hills. this was more my element and I sure felt better walking around. Although I didn't know what I was doing....

Long story short (YAH, Like I type a short story .... :p ) we didn't run the tracks after walking it out and losing it in the open ground several times.

So we made it back to town and we got lunch and I made it home to take a Short nap.

thanx I.S. for bearing with me all morning. Next time When I'm in town and You're running hounds and we have some Snow I'd love to tag along. Would be Awesome !!!!! I'll even Get more sleep before we leave *WINK*
We'll do it again I was pretty poochy myself , I went back the next day and we cut 2 lion tracks and 2 bobcat tracks one of each on the road we took and one of each the road that went down the otherside we cut them early and byt the time we could turn out it had snowed 3 inches and the wind was 40 mph , the dogs took it through the timber but when on the open hillside could not keep it going and there were no tracks to see to help them out on , it was smaller than the one we were trying to work out , so I am 0 for three this year , I better kick it in the butt and get something done .
I guess I need better conditions to get it done .
Give me a call next time your over this way.