Welcome To California

I haven't filled up since before I got home from Montana two weeks before Christmas. Still more than a quarter of that fifteen gallon tank sitting in the Jimmy. Headed to the grocery store shortly. A few degrees above zero (F) and just short of two miles one way. Vehicle ain't moving. It should cost me ... a couple of ounces of waistline lard ... hopefully.

I have no sympathy for snowbirds feeling the pinch. That wasteful bullshit has gone on way too long. About time it became unaffordable. People from Europe and Asia look at that crap and just shake their heads.
Oh pop pop how'd you escape the home again!

Seriously some of us aren't retired and have to leave home more then once a fortnight.
Last full year I ran the energy side of our utility (2018) Cali's in-state NG generation was just over 46%. Large hydro (which we had both a share of from the CVP and imported from the north) ran about another 11%.

Problem is with SB1020 utilities are heading towards a 90% renewable/0% carbon goal by the end of 2035 and Calif doesnt count large hydro as renewable plus mandates an alternative power source to back wind deliveries.

Sooooo.....any body got a big battery they want to sell Governor Gruesome?
So what you are saying Marv, is in 2035 the migration is is going to really pick up.......unless of course Governor Newsome becomes President Newsome.😁
California's water sector is a major energy user
The water system uses approximately 20% of the state's electricity and 30% of its natural gas for business and home use, according to data from 2001
So what you are saying Marv, is in 2035 the migration is is going to really pick up.......unless of course Governor Newsome becomes President Newsome.😁
Paul, If Gavin becomes Pres. with the background shadows thrown by Kate Brown, Jerry Brown, Pat Brown, the Pelosis, and even the Getty's looming in the background, renewable energy will be the LEAST of our problems. Canada might want to build a wall lol.
@JLS Read the article, still not buying it. These electric cars are way more inefficient than claimed and lose tons of battery capacity over time. That would skew the data significantly and its omitted. Add cold to the mix and the charge they hold drops as much as 50% in a healthy battery from what Ive been told by people who own them. 250mi range turns into 125mi quick and still requires that full charge. Also these electric car driving $&@!tards drive like speedy Gonzales on the way to happy hour. But its green so they can floor it and save the planet at the same time right??

Another overlooked issue in CA - banning of all small gas motors. Not only will cars be mandated to be electric, but lawn mowers, chainsaws, weed eaters, snow blowers, generators…. I live in the mtns and our electricity goes out. How am I supposed to charge my car with no sun, dig it out with no snow blower, charge everything with an “electric generator”?! Its laughably stupid yet they seriously passed these laws. My in-laws new city neighbors bought an electric snow blower with 3 big batteries, were so proud. After they died my FIL went over with a tracked honda gas blower and dug them out. That was just for 1’ of snow - we have 2-4’ on the way.

Top all that off with the copper that will have to be mined to build all the new charging stations, and grid to support them! During xmas last year, charging wait times, not including charging, between major cities were 6 hours long!! So a 250mi trip would take 9 hours?! With only 3 on the road… genius.

People hate CA and rightfully so. We are the frontline of the destruction of America, and Newsom is driving. C’mon big earthquake…. maybe God can help.
Def elk in those pics...living long enough to get a tag is the secret lol.
No shit, although we are slated to add 100 more elk tags which is great news. The new elk program coordinator is doing good work.

I'm close to a Siskiyou cow tag, but can hunt Rockies anywhere. I'm gonna keep the rose colored glasses on and home one day I can draw a tule tag.
No shit, although we are slated to add 100 more elk tags which is great news. The new elk program coordinator is doing good work.

I'm close to a Siskiyou cow tag, but can hunt Rockies anywhere. I'm gonna keep the rose colored glasses on and home one day I can draw a tule tag.
The first year CA implemented the point system I put in for a Likely Tables pronghorn tag and a Tule Elk tag, one day the mail showed up and I received a letter from CA F&G. I could hardly contain myself, was it a pronghorn or Tule Elk? I think that was the only time I was disappointed I drew a pronghorn tag.
Read the article, still not buying it. These e
If it’s that bad, move?

Electric snow blowers show pretty good reviews on the Home Depot site, so I’m reluctant to believe the apocalypse is imminent because of that. Why can’t you continue using your current gas one?

We use a shovel. Never have to charge it 🤣
California's water sector is a major energy user
The water system uses approximately 20% of the state's electricity and 30% of its natural gas for business and home use, according to data from 2001

HF that sounds like PPIC study data...word of caution, don't believe everything you read on the net, especially when in comes out of San Francisco lol.

Some of those numbers are close though...kinda...it just like all "facts" its how you want them to be read. Yes Cali's "water system' (I personally hate that reference) does use energy. Though a large volume of water is gravity delivered surface water conveyance , there is still a high amount of use to pump, convey, treat, and heat water. Ag uses are about 4x more water than city use in Cali BUT cities account for most water-related energy use of any sector (+40%) given the fact that 25-30% of all energy used by most homes is to heat water.

Also a lot of water/energy relations in power production with system cooling though closed-cycle wet cooling has pretty much replaced once-through cooling in large systems.

Guess what I'm getting at is there are lots of ways to split the apple on just what the largest consumer of "x" is (be it energy, water, or avocados) its often just how far you want to go down the forks in the road to make the point and who is laying out the $$ to prove it.
Interesting that your data was from back in 2001 as when I was last involved in dealing with those particular stats (2018) they still were quoted about the same, but again that was from an agency trying to conserve energy by conserving "water".
Our power is out now. We have about a foot of snow on the ground. Power is estimated to be out until 2pm Saturday. If our generator wasn't running we would have no heat, ability to cook etc.
True story from last week. A Verizon engineer was coming up to evaluate the cell tower to upgrade it. He drives an electric KIA. He leaves San Jose with it showing he has 100 miles left. He gets to the top of Mt Hamilton, 25 miles, and it shows only 40 remaining. He drives back to San Jose to recharge it. 4 hours later he starts out again. Genius!!!
All the banter about electric... The #1 most vulnerable aspect of our country.
Our power grid security and network is ripe to throw us into chaos.

Not only this, we are asking China to own our dependency for minerals to maintain our "green" bs.

China is not some sand pit of jihadists we can preserve our energy... When the chit hits the fan trade wars we are pleading with them to dominate our future.

Take that con trail / hot air balloon conspiracy and smoke it. This conspiracy is far from, for those willing to consider the ramifications.

On on the hotter side of CA, PG&E anyone?
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