Weekend Success (Idaho)

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
Remember when I said I had a big fat pocket full of tags and I was hunting both Idaho and Montana all weekend! Well, I didn't fill any tags, but I did kill a 24 incher that was pretty heavy!


Thats what happens after two days of busting my arse with no critters to shoot at!! (I was pretty close to getting back to the truck, so phuck it. Besides, I like popping their heads off with high powered rifles. Ooops, I forgot, the old 06' isn't even considered high powered in todays day and age is it?

This is some fine looking Idaho country. I glassed and glassed country just like this from first light till about noon and saw two bulls and ONE doe!!!


Gettin serious!!


I chased 3 or 4 bulls around Saturday with bow. Never laid eyes on them, they just kept leading me further and further from the truck....the walk back sucked, and that was with an empty pack!
And yeah, I am trying to look stupid in those pics, so please dont take them seriously!

This stuff right here will drive you crazy after a few minutes of glassing!!

There are 3 mountain goats in this pic.
Nice pics 'seeker. Hopefully things turn around for you. Do you plan on hitting these areas again this season?
Nah, I have some other areas I'll hit for rifle. My dad got drawn for MT this year and I have to try and get him a bull. I rarely get my own bull, so this should be a challenge.

I have spot that I know we can kill elk in, but I'll basically be stuck packing it/them out myself, as I think my dad would be good for one medium load at about 7 miles. That would give me two heavy loads for one elk or about 5 for two elk, 70 miles round with heavy pack for 35. That dont sound good, but it just may have to happen!!

I think if I sit my dad on this ridge, opening morning, he'll kill a bull! And I too would have a good chance at one while pushing them to him!

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