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Weekend Libations

Schlitz, Falstaff, and Leinies were all horrible. Leinies got the crown though for worse of the worst and if you could resist puking it up, you were a man.
I’ve drank some shitty beer. Never puked because of the taste, never not finished a beer because of the taste, but I have gave the rest away after I drank the first one quite a few times. I’m glad I’m a man!
A few surgeries with anesthesia degraded my taste buds so a lot of my fave flavors became muted over the past couple of decades.

Cranberry juice still rings true so I occasionally get a big bottle of cranberry cocktail to sip for a few days. I water it down so resembles how the free cranberry drink on Southwest Airlines tastes as the ice melts up in the clouds. No alcohol. Makes me happy.

I keep a cabinet full of bourbon and mezcal for friends that drop by but even they have slowed their roll as our life odometers passed 60. Besides, shared memories of glory days hurt less as we share laughs than replicating those drinking escapades.


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