Weapon or technology restrictions?

Would you support weapon restrictions to maintain opportunity?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2022
Curious, how much people like to hunt or just shoot stuff.
I like Idahos approach where you can only get the tag for a specific weapon. Archery, rifle, muzzleloader, or short range. Pick your poison. Not sure if that's what you're asking, though.
Maybe if it's across the board for archery, rifle, and muzzleloader.

But I strongly disagree with just putting restrictions on rifle hunters while ML's and Archery are unfettered.
I wish I would have said technology or weapon restrictions.
I absolutely would like to see restrictions on technology and have always enforced heavy restrictions on myself. To me there is a big difference between hunting and killing. Shooting an animal a quarter of a mile away is just killing, not much hunting involved.

I think pretty much everybody is in favor of restrictions. I'll go out on a limb and say that not too many hunters think a time on target air burst from 175 Howitzers on a herd of elk is a good idea. So, the real question is exactly where those restrictions shood be. My current restrictions on myself are sidelock muzzleloader and long bow, but I can see how that might be a little too much to impose on everyone.
I 100% support the restrictions.

Nothing makes me more disappointed in my fellow "hunters" than when I see a video pop up on YouTube of some idiot shooting at an animal a half a dozen times at 1000 yards. Same could be said for guys who shoot at long ranges with a bow.
Some of the best diamonds in the rough I have found are weapon restrictions areas. It's kind of amazing the amount of pressure a place can take - particularly whitetail - when folks don't have centerfire rifles. That said, some of the modern rifled/scope slug guns make me wonder, and I think in those weapon restriction areas they account for a disproportionate amount of the take.
I would support something, but I'm not sure what that would be. Definitely no scopes on muzzleloaders. But what about mapping software like OnX, Gohunt, etc. I'm not a very good long range rifleman, but before using maps with images of the terrain I blew way more stalks on animals and was way more cautious around property boundaries. I can remember one of Randy's early episodes of a mule deer hunt in Montana that was (I think) pre OnX. They didn't shoot a monster deer because they weren't sure of the boundary. Turned out the deer was on public. I gotta imagine that is having some sort of impact.
The IDFG table above seems to indicate that people are accepting of a lot of technological advances.

Interesting that while IDFG's technology task force is working on this the legislature is pushing a bill through to limit IDFG's ability to restrict muzzleloaders. H128 for anyone that is interested.

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