Well-known member go deer hunting.
My best friend set us up to hunt some wheat stubble and eyebrows that hold a lot of deer. I had planned on taking two or three days to take Krista out of school, but lo and behold she started volleyball the third day of deer season.
At about 830 in the morning we caught a 3x3 buck sleeping in the stubble.
We belly crawled over the hill to about 150 yards. We sat on him for over a half hour as the sun angle was wrong and creating a lot of glare in the rifle scope.
With the bipod out, I described to her exactly where I wanted her to shoot. For some reason, she had a case of the yips today and had to come off the gun about four different times. The coolest thing about this was how coachable she was the whole time. I finally had her close her eyes and visualize the shot, the trigger press, and the deer falling over. She came back on the gun, talked herself through it (I make her do this out loud) and let fly. She hit almost exactly where I told her to and the deer never even got out of its bed.
One very proud kiddo. She couldn't stop talking about the one-shot kill. I am so very proud of her willingness to wait for a shot that she likes. On more than one occasion I've given her the green light and she has chosen to wait.
No travel plan here.
She scared the hell out of me a couple of times, but we got some good off road driving lessons in on the way out.
I know it's been said a number of times on this board, but I'll say it again. Take the time to hunt with your kids. The opportunities can be very fleeting and then other commitments take over. Hopefully though, you've planted the seed for a lifelong hunting partner.
My best friend set us up to hunt some wheat stubble and eyebrows that hold a lot of deer. I had planned on taking two or three days to take Krista out of school, but lo and behold she started volleyball the third day of deer season.
At about 830 in the morning we caught a 3x3 buck sleeping in the stubble.
We belly crawled over the hill to about 150 yards. We sat on him for over a half hour as the sun angle was wrong and creating a lot of glare in the rifle scope.
With the bipod out, I described to her exactly where I wanted her to shoot. For some reason, she had a case of the yips today and had to come off the gun about four different times. The coolest thing about this was how coachable she was the whole time. I finally had her close her eyes and visualize the shot, the trigger press, and the deer falling over. She came back on the gun, talked herself through it (I make her do this out loud) and let fly. She hit almost exactly where I told her to and the deer never even got out of its bed.
One very proud kiddo. She couldn't stop talking about the one-shot kill. I am so very proud of her willingness to wait for a shot that she likes. On more than one occasion I've given her the green light and she has chosen to wait.
No travel plan here.
She scared the hell out of me a couple of times, but we got some good off road driving lessons in on the way out.
I know it's been said a number of times on this board, but I'll say it again. Take the time to hunt with your kids. The opportunities can be very fleeting and then other commitments take over. Hopefully though, you've planted the seed for a lifelong hunting partner.