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Waterfowl Taxidermists


New member
Dec 26, 2016
Anyone have recommendations for a waterfowl taxidermist?

I'd like someone with some experience doing Pintails specifically. And if they are in Montana that would be a bonus too but not a requirement.

You can't beat Todd (Birdman Studios) in Trinidad, CO. Pay for express service or else wait 18 months to get it back!
You can't beat Todd (Birdman Studios) in Trinidad, CO. Pay for express service or else wait 18 months to get it back!

Another vote for Birdman, look at his gallery (on website) and you will find some awesome pintail mounts. And shipping the duck to him is easy, described on his website.
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Another vote for the Birdman. My friend in Texas had his wood duck and pintail duck done there. Beautiful mounts.
Field and stream taxidermy out of Belgrade did an amazing job on my wood ducks. Dave's number is 406-388-3416.
Tim Carter in Great Falls did my swan and my brothers pheasant. He did a great job at reasonable prices.
Wildfowl Unlimited in Florence. He has my sandhill crane right now, and about 6 more ducks waiting for him.
He is a ways out but frozen in flight in va is good to. I've heard lots of good things about birdman but haven't had one done by him myself
Eugene Streekstra of Wildfowl Unlimited in Florence, MT. He is everything you're looking for. He is in Montana and does great work. Whether you are looking for a simple mount, or an extreme pose he's got you covered.
Another vote for Wildfowl Unlimited. I've never had him mount anything, but have seen ahis work on
Dropped off my pintail at Wildfowl Unlimited last Friday. Had a great visit with Eugene, he was thankful for the recommendations and I am too. Thanks everyone.
Only birds I've had done were by Eugene at WU...cant say enough good about how my birds came out. I think you'll be happy Blackbart...



Dropped off my pintail at Wildfowl Unlimited last Friday. Had a great visit with Eugene, he was thankful for the recommendations and I am too. Thanks everyone.

He's a great guy, and does fantastic work as you saw in his showroom. I hope to be headed that way soon to pick up some birds!!
Watch out for Eugene he'll talk your ears off and then talk some more then the give you crap for only bringing in a couple birds. Eugene is good people. He's done 3 birds for me and they are all fantastic so you'll be happy with your choice.
I can attest to this guys credentials, and besides doing fabulous work he is also a great guy. He's won the World Taxidermy championships more than once I believe and his bird mounts are his specialty!!

Dale Manning
Custom Bird Works and the Big Game Connection
1615 Montana Street
Missoula, MT. 59801

(406) 543-5501
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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