Waterfowl, let’s see them!

My six year old son has been begging me to take him duck hunting for the last year or two. I finally managed to drag him along for a short afternoon hunt yesterday. Only opportunity was when we walked down to the river and a few ducks got up and I managed to knock down a single hen. After that he just played in the snow and ate his candy bar but he had fun. By the end of the day it was super cold and he toughed it out to the end of legal shooting time. Here he is super proud with the duck dad shot.FF982810-21E8-4429-A63D-1D27855C97C1.jpeg
A single goldeneye hen was all I had to show for my NYE day hunt this morning. Better than the skunk and I always enjoy getting in a hunt on the last day of the year. A year ago today, I was hunting quail in central IL. Funny how much things can change in a single year. Happy new years to all.580FDBA0-FAD8-40E4-9DE7-738EEE3360A0.jpeg
My son loves to hunt ducks more than anything, so we surprised him witha trip to AR over the Christmas break for his birthday. There was not as many ducks as usual but we still had one really good hunt and a couple that were ok. His goals were to shoot his first Speck and really nice Drake Pintails and Widgeon. He was able to.get all of those, so it was a successful trip!


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My son loves to hunt ducks more than anything, so we surprised him witha trip to AR over the Christmas break for his birthday. There was not as many ducks as usual but we still had one really good hunt and a couole that were ok. His goals were to shoot his first Speck and really nice Drake Pintails and Widgeon. He was able to.get all of those, so it was a successful trip!
Looks like a fun trip and successful considering the year.
It was fun for sure, just not a lot of ducks or water. The amount of snow geese was unbelievable to us. Macks Prairie Wings visit was cool as well.

Looks like you guys got into em pretty good to me, beautiful specs!

Mack’s would be awesome- I don’t waterfowl hunt nearly as much as in my heyday but I still love their catalogue.
Looks like you guys got into em pretty good to me, beautiful specs!

Mack’s would be awesome- I don’t waterfowl hunt nearly as much as in my heyday but I still love their catalogue.

We did have one real good day, the other 2 were tough.

Macks was definitely cool, It took alot of restraint not too spend a ton of money!
Ha yeah man, I can imagine. Every time I open that catalogue I’m like “I should really get into snow goose hunting.”

Nevermind the fact that it would be thousands of dollars and there isn’t a snow goose within several hundred miles of where we live. Lol
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