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Warriors of El Gato

Tim Behle

New member
Jul 19, 2003
McNeal, AZ
I got to watch a hell of a good new Lion hunting Video over the weekend. Warriors of El Gato It is set up in the format of a series of interviews with some of the Greatest lion hunters still living.

Plenty of good information there for any cat hunter ( or wanna be cat hunter ) to learn. Mixed in with a lot of information to keep the history buffs glued to their seats as well.

It got me more than fired up to get out and look for some lions sign. I've spent this entire morning poring over maps, trying to find good access into some prime lion habitat in my area.

I haven't heard of it or seen it but it sure sounds good.

They came to my house to interview me for the video, but it didn't take them long to realize I was a total dipshit.

No seriously, that does sound like a pretty interesting video.
Houndawg, now I know that is not true.

But, I will begin the second set of interviews in a couple of weeks, and I can always swing by your area and put the camera on you, rather you being on the other end.

It has been a lot of fun, but many, many miles down the road.

Take care.
Sorry buddy,

But ABC beat you to the punch. Don't ask me how they found me but apparently they want me to be on a TV Reality show and take a celebrity out chasing lions.

They'll be showing up at my house in about 3 weeks. Looks like the junkyard Dawg is going prime time!!

Once the show is complete and if they actually decide to air it once they get a load of me in person... I'll post details on when it will air.

With any luck we can get some good footage of my dogs leaving a lion track and blowing out on a moose.

Wish me luck cuz I'll need it!! But there are gonna be some awful saddle sore ABC cameramen before this deal is through.
Dang, Houndawg, that sounds like a heck of deal. Be sure and let us know when they air that. That will be good watching.

Hey, are you going to attend the Expo in march and sell your videos? Let me know and I will set up a free banner for you.

Take care.

I have never heard of an Expo up until today when I just read your post.

Actually, you'd have to talk to my buddy about the videos. He lives down in Arizona and he made the videos and he handles the sales and all that. I just handed him over some footage but have little else to do with it.

Shoot him an email: [email protected]

But that sounds like a good time. I might see if I can make it down to that deal. One thing I plan on doing this fall is dropping by Sewell Goodwin's place for a visit.

I'll be in New Mex in a couple of weeks looking for bear and I've heard from a few different people his place in Glenwood is well worth visiting for anyone interested in hounding.

I plan to make the drive and try and track him down and see his collection.

I'll let you know when this deal is going to air on ABC and if it actually does. Still can't imagine how they could put my ugly mug on TV.
Sounds cool, but i heard the show was gonna be more like temptation island. Except of course all the purdy girls will either be mares, mules, or hounds who will be romanced by Houndawg and his crew.

The winner gets a tooth whitening and the chance to live in a trailer with a dozen hounds out back for year.

Not that your date with the ABC film crew isn't already frought with peril Dawg, but I have a green broke colt and an independently minded mule you could borrow to throw into the mix to add even more misadventure and high drama to the episode! It'd be worth the watch just to see the film crew try to explain to their bosses how it was that $100,000 dollars worth of video and audio equipment came to be smashed and scattered along the face of Mount Timpanogus! Yep, reality TV at its finest, it'd be a hit in every trailer park across America!
Well RockyDog is onto me...

I'm really just in this for the free dental work to make me presentable on TV.

They tell me it's a family show, but assure me that 4 hours in a Makeup Chair will do wonders for me!!

I appreciate the offer Kev, but we already have enough wild animals that we should be able to do some severe damage to high dollar camera equipment and the people holding them.

Temptation island with mules, mares and dogs huh? Hmmm... RockyDog is onto something there. Easy Kev... down boy!!
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