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Want To Trap Some Beavers

You can also do some work on their dams and get them to show themselves while fixing it, then ambush with a rifle. We can set up above a creek then get a shot while they work the dam. Anything that gets the water level dropping will get them out to investigate.Sometimes trapping is a pain in the bitter cold.
First off, make sure you know what is legal in your state. The info here has been good. For a new trapper, the 330 is hard to beat. There is plenty of info on line to help you out. Also, consider joining Some of the best beaver trappers in the world frequent that forum. Beavers are a blast to catch, but are worth very little. I had a bunch of them tanned one year and got mittens and a hat made from them.

DO NOT get caught in a 330! Especially after you already have it anchored. Don't ask me how I know this!:eek:
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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