Want to do More Hunting Next Fall, Guys?

I’m in NM and my wife is in IN...

That said the lululemon should drop tomorrow! She gave me a card before I left and I’m pretty sure she thinks I passed on Valentines. 😁
memes are weak sauce. For the intellectually lazy.

They are the allusions of electronic prose. Some are heavy handed, others crass, but a great meme has depth and yet simultaneously and incongruously, brevity.

A great meme makes you laugh or cry and while doing so creates the incipient tendrils of thought that pull past experiences from the murk of your subconsciousness.

Plus lots of them have cats which everyone likes except @neffa3
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They are the allusions of electronic prose. Some are heavy handed, others crass, but a great meme has depth and yet simultaneously and incongruously, brevity.

A great meme makes you laugh or cry and while doing so creates the incipient tendrils of thought that pull past experiences from murk of your subconsciousness.

Plus lots of them have cats which everyone likes except @neffa3

I'm fond of General Tsao's cat, as long as it's a young one.
They are the allusions of electronic prose. Some are heavy handed, others crass, but a great meme has depth and yet simultaneously and incongruously, brevity.

A great meme makes you laugh or cry and while doing so creates the incipient tendrils of thought that pull past experiences from the murk of your subconsciousness.

Plus lots of them have cats which everyone likes except @neffa3

No. What I posted was correct.

But nice try. I think I have a participation trophy laying around here somewhere.
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