Want to do More Hunting Next Fall, Guys?

My V-day will be spent driving to my in-laws to spend the weekend on the floor downstairs at her parents house... along with our kids, to celebrate my FILs 70th b-day. Where I will get the privilege of hanging out with a bunch of my wife's fam from the midwest whom I have nothing in common with, then get the added awesomness of taking them all out to dinner at least once, and picking up the entire tab.... no amount of chocolate, Bolton, or tacos is going to save me.
I set the bar correctly when I met my wife. I do not acknowledge made up holidays designed strictly to promote consumerism.
I do the same but I took it a step further when it started getting serious I planned fishing and hunting trips with my buddies telling my future wife we did it every year and wouldn’t be stopping.
That book was a crock of sh!t

My wife just read it this week. She asked me to take the test at the end. Before we got half way through she could see how pissed i was getting and noted she would just return it to her friend without asking me to read it. Told her if she was the type of women that needed gifts to show she was loved there wouldn't have been a second date. Apparently service is my love langue and she should have payed attention to more then my good looks.
being old and with the same woman for close to 40 years, this valentines days stuff is not important to the future of my days hunting. They are not at all linked. I dont know about younglings today and how they do it. Glad Im way passed that stuff.
My wife text me today that we're going out to buy steaks tonight for our valentine's dinner tomorrow. That's our typical celebratory go-to. For our anniversary we went to Texas de Brazil. Minor holidays like Valentine's Day mean me grilling steaks at home. Winning.
being old and with the same woman for close to 40 years, this valentines days stuff is not important to the future of my days hunting. They are not at all linked. I dont know about younglings today and how they do it. Glad Im way passed that stuff.

Yeah it's a hard life for us... on the other hand we get to Netflix and Chill while you boomers are screaming at Fox news... so you know tradeoffs
Yeah it's a hard life for us... on the other hand we get to Netflix and Chill while you boomers are screaming at Fox news... so you know tradeoffs
I laughed. I dont watch TV. Who has that kind of time? The answer: younglings.
I laughed. I dont watch TV. Who has that kind of time? The answer: younglings.

If sitting next to your spouse on the couch carefully cultivating your social media profile on your phone, while GOT plays in the background counts then I guess "younglings", "watch TV".
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