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Want a chance at the best tag in WY?! Raffle for Conservation Here!


Active member
Mar 23, 2018
What's up Hunt Talkers! I no longer work full-time for the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, but I still really support all the good conservation work they're doing and think it would be GREAT if you bought a Commissioner's Tag Raffle Ticket or two...or ten... to support the work they're doing AND get a 1:300 chance for the best deer, or elk, or pronghorn tag in the state for each ticket you buy.

Here's the link:

Fun fact: If you put $1950 into it (like the price of a special elk tag application) you'd have better odds of drawing at 4.4% compared to some zero to 1 percent odds for the best tags in the state than the actual drawing. Granted you won't get the refund if you don't draw, it goes to a great (tax-deductible) cause.

Okay. There's my pitch. Good luck Hunt Talkers!
What's up Hunt Talkers! I no longer work full-time for the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, but I still really support all the good conservation work they're doing and think it would be GREAT if you bought a Commissioner's Tag Raffle Ticket or two...or ten... to support the work they're doing AND get a 1:300 chance for the best deer, or elk, or pronghorn tag in the state for each ticket you buy.

Here's the link:

Fun fact: If you put $1950 into it (like the price of a special elk tag application) you'd have better odds of drawing at 4.4% compared to some zero to 1 percent odds for the best tags in the state than the actual drawing. Granted you won't get the refund if you don't draw, it goes to a great (tax-deductible) cause.

Okay. There's my pitch. Good luck Hunt Talkers!
What's up Hunt Talkers! I no longer work full-time for the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, but I still really support all the good conservation work they're doing and think it would be GREAT if you bought a Commissioner's Tag Raffle Ticket or two...or ten... to support the work they're doing AND get a 1:300 chance for the best deer, or elk, or pronghorn tag in the state for each ticket you buy.

Here's the link:

Fun fact: If you put $1950 into it (like the price of a special elk tag application) you'd have better odds of drawing at 4.4% compared to some zero to 1 percent odds for the best tags in the state than the actual drawing. Granted you won't get the refund if you don't draw, it goes to a great (tax-deductible) cause.

Okay. There's my pitch. Good luck Hunt Talkers!
thanks just bought one!
Sounds great!

P.S. If someone has an extra $1950 laying around pm me
That's what I think whenever I hear of guys buying Special price elk tags in Wyoming, yet here we are. And not even that much better odds in West General. Wild!!
67 Tickets left! She ends when all tix are sold or this Friday, February 28th. Good luck and thanks to all who've bought tickets so far!

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