Walnut syrup making

I want to try walnut.

Our family loves hickory syrup, but it's almost like cheating.
There's a local feller that sells hickory syrup at the farmers market. Wonder if it's the same deal?
I think so. There are several trees you can tap for sap. Some are better than others. Maple, walnut, hickory, birch. That's just what I have read, i'm a novice. My forest is all hills with mostly red and black oaks. The bottoms near the creek are where the walnuts are.
My walnut syrup showed up today. You all know that scene from the movie Elf where Buddy tips back the bottle and has a good chug of syrup straight from the bottle? Well that was me today only from a mason jar of walnut syrup………I’m ashamed to say I drank half the jar like a cotton headed ninny mungin…
Hmm, I kinda wanna try this now. Did you end up straining through anything? Like cheesecloth?