Voyageurs Wolf Project


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2018
upper michigan
taken from the

One of the clearest ways humans have altered wolf predation on fawns is through the creation and maintenance of a dense web of roads, trails, and other linear features that sprawl across the landscape (just check out the maps here).
Linear features provide ideal travel corridors for wolves and allow wolves to cover more ground and do so faster. Indeed, one study determined wolves generally travel 2-3 times faster on human-created linear features than through the woods.
To put that in human terms: that would be like driving 120-180 miles per hour in an area you used to only be able to drive 60 mph.
Naturally, linear features likely increase wolves' ability to find vulnerable prey because of the increase in travel/hunting efficiency and because wolves can cover more ground in a set period of time.
Thus, it is not surprising that wolves showed a strong preference for hunting fawns along/near linear features in our area. You can see this extremely clearly in the maps below. It is also not surprising that wolves disproportionately killed deer fawns near these features either.
Folks often have this misconception that northern Minnesota is a remote, impenetrable wilderness. And while that is true in some areas, much of northern Minnesota (and many other areas outside of Minnesota) have extensive networks of linear features, even in pretty remote areas. Just look at the satellite imagery.
The majority of linear features in our area were initially logging roads created for extracting timber. Many of these roads/trails would naturally get filled in with downed trees, growing vegetation, etc. after logging was completed if the area was left untouched.
However, recreational use—largely by grouse and deer hunters in fall—keeps many of these roads/trails cleared so that folks can access remote areas with ATVs/UTVs, and so the linear features never fill in.
And then there are of course myriad other linear features on the landscape such as power lines, railroad tracks, snowmobile trails, ATV trails made by folks, cleared hunting lanes, etc.
In total, the creation and maintenance of these linear features clearly shapes where wolves hunt and kill fawns. And it is possible that the abundance of linear features actually increases wolf predation on fawns.
This could happen in one of two ways:
The first way that linear features might allow wolves to kill more fawns is simply by making wolves more efficient predators than they would otherwise be. Not hard to see why this might be the case.
A simple analogy would be people foraging for mushrooms (or some other wild edible): imagine there are two people in the same area trying to collect as many mushrooms as they can in a day but one person moves 200-300% faster than the other. There would be little doubt, all else being equal, that the person moving faster is going to find more mushrooms by the end of the day.
The second way this could happen is via changes in wolf territories and densities.
Research out of Montana and northwestern Canada found as the density of linear features increased, wolf territory size decreased. The suspected reason: as linear features become more abundant, wolves can find prey more efficiently and thus they do not need to have as large of a territory to get the same amount of food.
And when territory size decreases, wolf density generally increases because you can now fit more wolves in an area. And higher wolf densities likely mean increased levels of predation.
There has been considerable work done in Canada that has examined and documented how the abundance of linear features has facilitated wolf predation behavior and had a negative impact on caribou.
To ameliorate the unintended effects of linear features, there are active efforts to remediate and restore linear features back to a natural habitat in an effort slow wolves down.
Surprisingly, there has been relatively little work done to examine how the abundance of linear features influences not only wolf-fawn interactions but wolf-deer interactions as a whole.
We published a study earlier this year documenting how wolves actively hunt and kill adult deer throughout the year on human-created linear features but much more work is really needed to flesh this all out. Something we are hoping to continue exploring in the future.
Sources used in this post:
Dickie et al. 2022. Resource exploitation efficiency collapses the home range of an apex predators. Ecology.
Dickie et al. 2017. Faster and farther: wolf movement on linear features and implications for hunting behavior. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Gable et al. 2023. Video observations of wolves hunting ungulates on linear features. Food Webs.
Sells et al. 2021. Evidence of economical territory selection in a cooperative carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Serrouya et al. 2020. Predicting the effects of restoring linear features on woodland caribou populations. Ecological Modeling.
Haven’t read the study but I know the Minnesota deer hunting face book pages are very upset with it. I don’t know why.
taken from the

One of the clearest ways humans have altered wolf predation on fawns is through the creation and maintenance of a dense web of roads, trails, and other linear features that sprawl across the landscape (just check out the maps here).
Linear features provide ideal travel corridors for wolves and allow wolves to cover more ground and do so faster. Indeed, one study determined wolves generally travel 2-3 times faster on human-created linear features than through the woods.
To put that in human terms: that would be like driving 120-180 miles per hour in an area you used to only be able to drive 60 mph.
Naturally, linear features likely increase wolves' ability to find vulnerable prey because of the increase in travel/hunting efficiency and because wolves can cover more ground in a set period of time.
Thus, it is not surprising that wolves showed a strong preference for hunting fawns along/near linear features in our area. You can see this extremely clearly in the maps below. It is also not surprising that wolves disproportionately killed deer fawns near these features either.
Folks often have this misconception that northern Minnesota is a remote, impenetrable wilderness. And while that is true in some areas, much of northern Minnesota (and many other areas outside of Minnesota) have extensive networks of linear features, even in pretty remote areas. Just look at the satellite imagery.
The majority of linear features in our area were initially logging roads created for extracting timber. Many of these roads/trails would naturally get filled in with downed trees, growing vegetation, etc. after logging was completed if the area was left untouched.
However, recreational use—largely by grouse and deer hunters in fall—keeps many of these roads/trails cleared so that folks can access remote areas with ATVs/UTVs, and so the linear features never fill in.
And then there are of course myriad other linear features on the landscape such as power lines, railroad tracks, snowmobile trails, ATV trails made by folks, cleared hunting lanes, etc.
In total, the creation and maintenance of these linear features clearly shapes where wolves hunt and kill fawns. And it is possible that the abundance of linear features actually increases wolf predation on fawns.
This could happen in one of two ways:
The first way that linear features might allow wolves to kill more fawns is simply by making wolves more efficient predators than they would otherwise be. Not hard to see why this might be the case.
A simple analogy would be people foraging for mushrooms (or some other wild edible): imagine there are two people in the same area trying to collect as many mushrooms as they can in a day but one person moves 200-300% faster than the other. There would be little doubt, all else being equal, that the person moving faster is going to find more mushrooms by the end of the day.
The second way this could happen is via changes in wolf territories and densities.
Research out of Montana and northwestern Canada found as the density of linear features increased, wolf territory size decreased. The suspected reason: as linear features become more abundant, wolves can find prey more efficiently and thus they do not need to have as large of a territory to get the same amount of food.
And when territory size decreases, wolf density generally increases because you can now fit more wolves in an area. And higher wolf densities likely mean increased levels of predation.
There has been considerable work done in Canada that has examined and documented how the abundance of linear features has facilitated wolf predation behavior and had a negative impact on caribou.
To ameliorate the unintended effects of linear features, there are active efforts to remediate and restore linear features back to a natural habitat in an effort slow wolves down.
Surprisingly, there has been relatively little work done to examine how the abundance of linear features influences not only wolf-fawn interactions but wolf-deer interactions as a whole.
We published a study earlier this year documenting how wolves actively hunt and kill adult deer throughout the year on human-created linear features but much more work is really needed to flesh this all out. Something we are hoping to continue exploring in the future.
Sources used in this post:
Dickie et al. 2022. Resource exploitation efficiency collapses the home range of an apex predators. Ecology.
Dickie et al. 2017. Faster and farther: wolf movement on linear features and implications for hunting behavior. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Gable et al. 2023. Video observations of wolves hunting ungulates on linear features. Food Webs.
Sells et al. 2021. Evidence of economical territory selection in a cooperative carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Serrouya et al. 2020. Predicting the effects of restoring linear features on woodland caribou populations. Ecological Modeling.

I know of a closed NFS road in NE Oregon that back in October was littered with a lot of older wolf sign. Used to be a good road to walk for deer, elk and blue grouse. Wolves figured that out too.
Cheeser, I think you’d be happier moving to a state without wolves.
I wish could, but family/friends/job wont allow it. I bought a cabin and 40 acres 12 years ago, we would take 3-4 nice bucks and 3-4 does per year. this year was 0. I have been hunting other states for about 15 yrs. I am retiring next fall, and honestly don't know if I will hunt in Michigan. the mismanagement of the deer herd combined with the unabated damage done by the wolves is demoralizing at best. I cant trust to have my grandkids or pets outside at my cabin. I am not anti wolf I do believe they belong here, however, they do need a trimmin' , as my Dad used to say.
curious Ben when was the last time you hunted in U.P. for deer?

I haven't.

When's the last time to did a deep dive into the actual science of wolves & ungulates in Northern Forests, talked with the managers and looked for reasons beyond the perspective you wanted to push?
Then you have no business commenting on this topic. I have lived, hunted and worked here in the entire U.P. for 42 years since I graduated from MTU. I have worked and covered the entire U.P. not just one county. I'll take my 42 years of experience in these woods over what you have read in wildlife reports. Until you have some experience on the matter please don't talk from ignorance.
Then you have no business commenting on this topic. I have lived, hunted and worked here in the entire U.P. for 42 years since I graduated from MTU. I have worked and covered the entire U.P. not just one county. I'll take my 42 years of experience in these woods over what you have read in wildlife reports. Until you have some experience on the matter please don't talk from ignorance.

Respectfully, I have 21 years experience with wolves, lions, black & grizzly bears. Every issue that gets raised whether it's in Oregon or Michigan, and all places in-between, is similar. Your experience is no different than many, and once again I'm not saying wolves don't have an impact, but I am saying that it's dangerous and wrong to put it all on wolves. I've hunted birds in occupied wolf habitat in Mt, MI, MN with no interactions, as well as having hunted deer & elk across some of the most dense wolf populations in the west. I've been trailed by a pack while hunting elk, and I've had them in and around camp.

The UP has a host of issues that it's dealing with in terms of the deer herd. Wolves 100% complicate the issue. Deer in the UP are at the bottom of the population cycle, which has been going down in terms of buck harvest for 35 years for a variety of issues, including antler point restriction & less doe harvest. If you really want to do something about the deer population, the MIDNR has a great UP deer grant program to help pay for those habitat improvements:

The stuff you linked to in the OP doesn't substnatiate your position, btw. It furthers mine. Human disturbance, loss of habitat and increased ease of travel makes wolf predation on whitetail more of an impact than when fawns and does goe into winter with good reserves & winter security. When you add that on top of winters like 2022-23 in the UP, then you see where your deer are dying.

The wolf may be the set of sharp teeth that kill the fawn in December, but it's the sharp teeth of winter that kills them through starvation in February.
The MDNR is not the main culprit in this mess, up here. However, they could have done much better. There are doe tags given out by the gross this year, I haven't seen a doe to shoot in our 15 day season. They instituted a 2 buck limit statewide approx. 12 years ago. These 2 things should have been lessened years ago. They should break the state into units like other states and make adjustments and they haven't. They didn't have mandatory registration until 2022, until then they had no idea as to the actual kill data was. It was done by random hunt survey letters to hunters. The managers haven't managed what could very well. The wolves they can't manage based on a federal judges ruling in California. These photos were 200 yards from my cabin in daylight, yes I will blame the wolves and MDNR.


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Respectfully, I have 21 years experience with wolves, lions, black & grizzly bears. Every issue that gets raised whether it's in Oregon or Michigan, and all places in-between, is similar. Your experience is no different than many, and once again I'm not saying wolves don't have an impact, but I am saying that it's dangerous and wrong to put it all on wolves. I've hunted birds in occupied wolf habitat in Mt, MI, MN with no interactions, as well as having hunted deer & elk across some of the most dense wolf populations in the west. I've been trailed by a pack while hunting elk, and I've had them in and around camp.

The UP has a host of issues that it's dealing with in terms of the deer herd. Wolves 100% complicate the issue. Deer in the UP are at the bottom of the population cycle, which has been going down in terms of buck harvest for 35 years for a variety of issues, including antler point restriction & less doe harvest. If you really want to do something about the deer population, the MIDNR has a great UP deer grant program to help pay for those habitat improvements:

The stuff you linked to in the OP doesn't substnatiate your position, btw. It furthers mine. Human disturbance, loss of habitat and increased ease of travel makes wolf predation on whitetail more of an impact than when fawns and does goe into winter with good reserves & winter security. When you add that on top of winters like 2022-23 in the UP, then you see where your deer are dying.

The wolf may be the set of sharp teeth that kill the fawn in December, but it's the sharp teeth of winter that kills them through starvation in February. Wisconsin deer harvest down almost 200k deer in last 20 yrs. Minnesota deer harvest down from 290k deer in 2003 to 145 k this year.

All 3 states wi, mi, mn northern counties down 30% from last year.

Just a coincidence the wolves started moving into those areas around those 1990's, 20 years of bad winters?

Pics are 200yds from my cabin, ya I blame the wolves.


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Spend some time on the Voyagers website & read what they have to say.

They can help restore deer. Knowledge is power.
In 33 years of hunting Ive seen a substantial decline in deer and elk populations, due in large part to predation (not just wolves). Other than the occasional hard winter, I’m sure poaching also takes a toll but i don’t see much discussion of that latter factor.
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