
More American citizens have been killed in California alone.[by illegals] hump ..then soldiers have been killed in Iraq! yet for the last 2 yrs all i see on the news is ANOTHER SOLDIER KILLED IN IRAQ TODAY......Have you ever seen a headline or lead story screaming another POLICE OFFICER SHOT BY AN ILLEGAL TODAY? the press is clearly LIBERAL. hump hump |oo
I keep saying it....
Buzz, you need to run for President, then you could answer all of the worlds ills with the office.
Set all of the wrongs to rights.
Create that complete system.
Build that Utopian Country which non of the best minds in the World seem capable of.
Excerpt from op-ed piece by Cal Thomas from our newspaper this morning about illegal immigration in general, Arizona's Minutemen's Project in particular: "The Mexican government is reprinting what some believe to be a guidebook to help illegal immigrants avoid capture and prosecution after entering the United States. Called the 'Mexican Migrant Guide', the Mexican Foreign Ministry says it's purpose is to help people who have already decided to enter the United States to diminish their risk of death and to inform them of their rights should they be arrested. Some legislators, such as Rep. J.D. Hayworth, Arizona Republican say the document is a guide on how to enter the United States illegally".

There was also a cartoon of a rhino labeled 'Illegal Immigration' smashing through a diminutive U.S. Border Patrol Station emphasizing ineffectual prevention.
I have bee worked over by better people on the play of words... ;)
I think I put an s on the end of mind, that way it would mean there were many and not just one...:)

noun {C}

a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively. Vigilantes usually join together to form groups.

noun {U}

Based on that there is no way I could support a vigilante group. I was a member of a block watch once . Then the lead people started saying we could do stops and run red lights to do the watch. I quit right then and there.
Nut-My point throughout about groups like minutemen is the corruption that occurs when power is achieved. They start out fine but soon become "above the law". From something as simple as a block watch to the guardian angels to the minutemen, they all seem to have contempt for the government and the job they are doing.
Well until someone goes ABOVE THE LAW...Your just blowing it out yer ass......All you have to do is wait and see .[and then JUDGE each situation on its merits] What would you do sit around and wait for the cops when someone is stealing from you or tresspassing on your property. Is there any situation where you would be a so called Vigilante? Last i heard the local P.D`s encouraged "block watch" and even organized there setup.
Well I hope for the sake of everyone, especially the Minutemen, that it all work as palnned. I don't think it is a bad program at all. I commend all of their efforts and pray that it doesn't backfire on any of you.
Almost sounds like a lynch mob.. I hope that no one decides to "shoot me a wetback" or 'cap one a those sombitcches..' As soon as the shooting starts, then the law will step in and guess who will be the bad guy?

Good luck with your exercise CJ. I hope it goes well.

danr55 ,
Let's hope nobody 'shucks some iron' either !

I'm not sure what that means but it's something Buzz pulled out of his ass from out in left field .
I've heard of it as "pulling iron", "bringing heat", and "shucking lead", but why would anyone wanna shuck their iron?
FYI- shucking iron means to quickly draw ones firearm specifically pistol. It is listed in a blog on the internet. It has also shown up in quite a few western novels.
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