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Valier, Montana

Well Praise God!
Finally accepted an offer on my place in Idaho looking at an April 1st closing. Also bonus points the buyer is an idahoan that wanted to move closer to the kids from his place in Ashton so my neighbors are very happy about that. (They were fearful some Californian would buy the property).

Renting in conrad at the moment cause the other half started her job In valier the last week of october and that was the only thing available. I have been living in both states since then between work obligations. Housing choices on the market are few in the area atleast from the standpoint of what we would be looking for so that journey will start now. Possibly build if I can find the right land who knows.
I have lived in a lot of states over the years and never been sad when leaving one until now. I truly loved southeast Idaho, but I expect montana to be just as good. Minus the great falls mcdonalds. Haha
So ugh…you probably don’t need those old whitetail spots of yours anymore ?
I never knew the actual name of that bar. Always just called it the EAT Bar due to the large sign on the front that just says "EAT". Definitely a good burger after a week of living out of a tent eating mountain houses.
The EAT is definitely prominent, and I’ve only ever had that burger on work trips. I can imagine after a week in the sticks it’s even better.

I actually really love the country around it. There’s a lot of overlooked and intriguing.

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Yep, but even abandoned towns can have a great bar.
The original post said " 40 miles east of Valier is the 4 Corners Bar in Oilmont"
So I was wondering if that was a different Oilmont as the abandoned town Oilmont
is no where near 40 miles east of is about 40 miles north (just south of Sunburst)
Congrats on the move, I too think it is one of the better areas of the state.

It has been a few years since I've made it up there, but plenty of fond memories.

One trip I hauled the horse pictured in my avatar up there, mostly to hunt birds from horseback. One day the dogs needed to have a break, so I rode the horse on the Blackleaf Game Management Area. Two things stand out from that day. The wind, and crossing the Old North Trail. It was humbling to see tangible evidence that people have been traveling the area, for millennia.

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