Well, the sand has finally drained from the hour glass down in Utah. They issued an ultimatum to the Feds that the lands needed to be turned over to Utah by December 31, 2014, or else.
Or else what?
Well, looks like "or else" means that Utah is going to spend $2 million to get all lawyered up and take on the Feds. Not sure what it is about Utah that compels them to use taxpayer money to fund every private enterprise disguised as a non-profit group. In this case, they have a legislator whose non-profit (is it a non-profit if most money goes to family and friend salaries?) is leading the charge on the idea to sue the Feds.
Rather than pony up his own money for this losing legal cause, he has now convinced the folks of Utah to write the check. Watching from afar, it seems conflict of interest has never been a problem in Utah politics. A summary of the threats and promises in the article link below.
Looking at this, and all the money SFW/BGF has bilked the Utah taxpayers of, I am thinking I need to start a non-profit down in the Beehive state and get in on some of this easy pickens. Lots of dough, no accountability, manufacture your own crisis, and then give a little back to the legislators controlling the purse strings. That has to be a pretty high profit margin business model.
Will be interesting to see what Utah gets in exchange for their $2 million. Probably a king sized asshat and a request for more funds from the fringe to continue promoting the Cliven Bundy gospel of public land mismanagement.
Really, I'm not make this stuff up. You could conjure up such insanity if you tried. Should be fun to watch and surely a topic for much needed humor.
Or else what?
Well, looks like "or else" means that Utah is going to spend $2 million to get all lawyered up and take on the Feds. Not sure what it is about Utah that compels them to use taxpayer money to fund every private enterprise disguised as a non-profit group. In this case, they have a legislator whose non-profit (is it a non-profit if most money goes to family and friend salaries?) is leading the charge on the idea to sue the Feds.
Rather than pony up his own money for this losing legal cause, he has now convinced the folks of Utah to write the check. Watching from afar, it seems conflict of interest has never been a problem in Utah politics. A summary of the threats and promises in the article link below.
Looking at this, and all the money SFW/BGF has bilked the Utah taxpayers of, I am thinking I need to start a non-profit down in the Beehive state and get in on some of this easy pickens. Lots of dough, no accountability, manufacture your own crisis, and then give a little back to the legislators controlling the purse strings. That has to be a pretty high profit margin business model.
Will be interesting to see what Utah gets in exchange for their $2 million. Probably a king sized asshat and a request for more funds from the fringe to continue promoting the Cliven Bundy gospel of public land mismanagement.
Really, I'm not make this stuff up. You could conjure up such insanity if you tried. Should be fun to watch and surely a topic for much needed humor.