Utah gov tag sheep illegally killed

The animal should be confiscated. No question. The guide knew the law and I suspect the hunter knew the law. A call to a lower member of the Game and Fish should not override the written law!

I am sad for the ordinary hunter who won the raffle tag. I personally would sue!
I understand your frustration, but I don't understand what you would have liked to see UDWR do differently after the fact. Do you want them to issue a citation even though the DA has said they won't prosecute?

The guide book says, on front page, that it is not the sole and whole source of info. Any questions should be addressed to the nearest dwr office. The nebo is in the central office. Its 118miles from wlh base to cedar(where they supposedly called, although i wasnt aware they logged called in questions), 86 miles to springville, the office in charge of that unit. Springvile is also closer to slc airport. The guide, wade lemon hunting, on his own website points out his 30 years experience, and has a ton of sheep pics. The da DIDN'T say what happened wasnt ILLEGAL, only that based on evidence, with th dwr being the witness and investigatior, he couldnt prove INTENT. Thats a lot different than saying nothing illegal happened.
I wonder if this "case/ruling" will be used as evidence in WA's raffle tag bull poaching that took place last year...
I understand your frustration, but I don't understand what you would have liked to see UDWR do differently after the fact. Do you want them to issue a citation even though the DA has said they won't prosecute?

Honestly, he should loose his license. Contractors, mechanics, etc lose theres all the time. Ya, i know his kid will start kalen lemon hunting the next day. A bunch of us are posting it around to embarass the dwr. This whole episide started as internet rumors. Then a "genius" on MM posted a pic, up until then there wasnt a pic on wlh site, which was more than odd. Then local guys who recognized the mtn in the pic chimed in that it was the nebo. After a week, the dwr admitted that it happened. In short, the udwr, looked the other way. Supposedly wlh called some biologist in cedar city.I have called the dwr, they didnt log my call. Then dwr says they can't prove they mailed hunter a letter. I gurss they take pictures of inserting letters into envelopes? Then its because of staffing changes so know one knows anything, except some biologist is now getting scapegoated. CYA in full force. The da can only use what came out in the investigation. The dwr was the witness, and investigator. Theres also the matter of a small, rural county probably not wanting to spend the resources against the guide(supported by $fw), and the very deep pocketed hunter. If they lost a $100,000 bill, the boss is fired. Loose a $100,000 sheep, " everyone makes mistakes" The udwr is corrupt, plain and simple, just trying to shine a light on that.
Sounds like another Hillary Clinton/FBI rerun.................Any bets that any other person besides a governor tag holder would be prosecuted to fullest extent? Sounds like the law was broken. Laws are created to be the SAME FOR EVERYONE......This country needs a serious cleaning.....
Who was the outfitter?

Wade Lemon Hunting.

I understand the frustration. My frustration is that we never see the same level of outrage as this from hunters when domestic sheep on Jose's Public Lands kill off hundreds of bighorns.
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