UT 2010 count down!!!

...go get em spoo.

....this from a guy who finds time for 25 different hat photo ops.

Thats different, Critters are on the ground then, and I need to ttake breaks in between hand stands ;)

Fuggin with my phone again so jose can live through me and feel like a. Man..
In the high country now, still early but I can already hear bugles. Stopped by the only rife camp I saw and they were packing up with the bull they got this am. Steep stuff, but it is where the elk are at so a hiking I will go. Smoke still messing up long distance glassing, hope a wind shift is in forcast

We had smoke on our Sheep hunt. That makes for tough times. Good luck SPOO !!
I fly to my hunts because I only have 3 weeks of vac to use and when you try and do 3-4 trips a year you have to fly.

I'm still waiting for the tip that tells me how I can convince my wife I need to burn 3 weeks of vacation on 3-4 hunting trips is one year....

....course, they don't call me Spoo either... :D
Moosie, for the record my hunt don't start untiil wed. I have two days left to scout. I probabkly will not report much after that. Saw a couple bulls last night, one over 350 for sure but light was fading before he stepped out so I did not get a real good look at him. Browtine told me not to even. Bother calling him if I kill one there and to just hire a horse.
This am I hiked into some lower country, much nicer on the feet and lungs. Saw 6 bulls, but nothing over 320. The shut up fast as the sun rose and by 7:30 they were done.

Say hello to my little friend

Tip again for fly and hunt... check out renting one of these instead of an suv. I reserved a ten footer but they werre out so I got this thing. Much cheaper than a rental suv and you can camp in. It as you can. See


You can see how the smoke makes spotting scpoe use tough
I'm suprised somebody hasn't made a joke out of Miller, yourself and the ladder in the picture. WTH you need a ladder for? Good luck on your hunt looking forward to the story.
good hell man let the air out of that gas can before it pops... Dude that truck rocks.. dont let anyone tell you different. :)
Actually I believe nearly all the driving around will be done on an ATV. The moving van can is basically base camp (that can haul an ATV). Seems like a pretty good idea in my opinion.
Funny, stuff. Yea I wanted a ten foot truck and had a fit when they said it was this or nothing.
Jose, you have been warned, no troll posting in a hunting topic, save your stupid shit for the firesideor politics forums. Some of us read these forums for hunting, not being a full time ass, give it a rest
I'm sure you do, but why did you retract your previous comment about how Scmalts should be using his tent and boots instead of the rent-a-van and an ATV?

Jose forgets who moderates the elk forum.
Trust me, when the time comes I will be hunting and camping in ways many would not prefere to do. The biggest reason for the truck was to haul the quad that browtine was so kind to lend. This unit has a lot of roads not vehicle freindly and the quad will get me to jump off points miles past where a rental would park. This is still scouting and I am careful to not get too worn out before the hunt but the poor glassing conditions are limiting scouting from easy lookouts. Been putting some miles on the boots but with the heat scouting is low productive after the sun gets high. All in all I know a real deep canyon that has bulls in it but will be a real bitch to get anything out and spoilage is a concern
I think we need to throw the two of you on pedal bikes and determine who is the more fat-assed.:D

I am sure Pat would take you up on another fittness test if you would rather.;)
Keep-r clean please .. I like reading the post with the updates of someones hunts..
I think the rental van idea is genious, but you should have scrapped the hammock and put in a waterbed. You'd still have room for a beer-pong table and jacuzzi.
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