US Senate Candidate Troy Downing's FWP Citations

Wow. Not a good look for someone asking to be elected to a position of trust. If was me, I would be out in front of the issue with a statement of the facts that show this is a misunderstanding. Silence is not a good look to what is not a good look. That would be Bad Look Squared.
...a statement of the facts that show this is a misunderstanding.
Unless the information printed in the CHRONICLE article is not factual, I don't think he wants the facts and circumstances publicized, Senate candidate or not.

Rhetorical question: Even if Mr. Downing is clean as a whistle, do we want yet another millionaire club, high roller, part-time Montanan, mostly loyal only to party and big industry kind of Senator to represent Montana in the swamp??
Unless the information printed in the CHRONICLE article is not factual, I don't think he wants the facts and circumstances publicized, Senate candidate or not.

Rhetorical question: Even if Mr. Downing is clean as a whistle, do we want yet another millionaire club, high roller, part-time Montanan, mostly loyal only to party and big industry kind of Senator to represent Montana in the swamp??

Nope. I say we go with Ben Lamb's final suggestion. Give him a fair trial and hang that California grape squisher. (Rhetorically speaking of course) :)
His being a combat veteran has nothing to do with this. The recent ass that shot up a church in Texas was a vet. The man in Bozeman whose daughter ran into my parked suburban, who works with a veteran fishing 501C3, lied about the following communications and his piddly, undervalued, supposed offer from his insurance company. They didn't even know that his daughter was driving the company truck when the accident occurred. I had to track down his insurance company and get it taken care of after he lied and stalled for 4 months. While I greatly respect work done with veterans, especially since my father was an Air Force veteran, this is simply smoke and mirrors and a tribalism call.

Also, what he contributes to charitable groups, that are tax deductible, has no bearing on whether or not violations were committed.

Troy Downing Campaign Statement on Alleged Hunting Violations

November 8, 2017
Contact: Kevin Gardner

First and foremost, it’s no surprise that a Democrat judge, appointed by Democrat Gov. Schweitzer would release details of this case before Troy is afforded due process in the court of law. These are the same politically motivated tactics that were used by the left on President Donald Trump. Obviously the swamp doesn’t exist just in Washington D.C.

This is nothing more than an orchestrated attack on a combat Veteran by Senator Tester’s allies who are desperate to stay in power. These moves are obviously politically motivated and makes a mockery of the judicial process.

We aren’t going to litigate this issue in the press and we think it is absurd that the press feels its appropriate for us to argue a legal case that hasn’t even been tried yet.

After enlisting in the United States Air Force in 2001, Troy Downing was called to serve 2 tours in Afghanistan. He spent 8 years in service defending our freedoms. He has owned property in Montana since 2000, and has been a full time resident in Montana since being honorably discharged in 2009. He also joined the Montana VFW (Post 12112) and the Montana American Legion (Post 30) after returning home. Troy is proud to call Montana home.

It’s unfortunate the liberal Montana FWP deep state is on a witch hunt, going after a combat veteran that is a part of a charity organization that helps our wounded warriors recover through fly fishing in Montana’s natural setting.

Troy spends tens of thousands of dollars to support our wounded warriors in fishing trips in Montana, and, he overpays by tens of thousands of dollars to fish and hunt to support other charities here in Montana. It makes no sense that he would try to skirt a small difference in a resident vs non-resident license in Montana.

Troy loves the outdoors, hunting and fishing in Montana. He would never intentionally do anything to violate that passion for conservation and preservation, what all Montanans value. He is confident this issue will be resolved very quickly.
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Love your voice. I agree some of the time. I admire the passion. I worry that your drive for public lands turns too political.

Your response is that it is politics. You do good work and I commend your for it.

Do what you do!
Montana U.S. Senate candidate claims primary home tax break in California

U.S. Senate candidate Troy Downing of Big Sky is receiving a tax break on property he jointly owns with his wife, Heather, in California, an exemption that is for homeowners if the home is their primary residence.

The Chronicle obtained a copy of Downing’s property tax bill for a Sleeping Indian Road residence he owns in Fallbrook, California, about 60 miles north of San Diego.

The San Diego County assessor’s office confirmed that he had been receiving the homeowner’s tax exemption since 2005. The most recent property tax bill for the fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30, 2018, showed Downing received the exemption... San Diego County Division Chief for Assessment Services Jeff Olson said Downing acquired the Fallbrook property in 2005 and has had the exemption since then. The application for the tax exemption is a self-declaration that is signed under penalty of perjury, he said.

Olson said the only way the assessor’s office verifies the primary residence is by the address of where the bill is being sent...

On Thursday, Downing’s campaign sent another email with the subject line, “They’re spreading fake news.” The email asked for donations to the Downing campaign and said the liberal media will look for any opportunity to attack a conservative candidate like Downing.

“The recent witch hunt being driven by the liberal media and Jon Tester allies is only just the start of the attacks we’ll be up against in this election,” the email said.
No trial date set for U.S. Senate candidate’s FWP violations

There is still no trial date set for U.S. Senate candidate Troy Downing, who is charged with several misdemeanors accusing him of trying to buy Montana resident hunting or fishing licenses as an out-of-state resident.

At an omnibus hearing Wednesday, Downing’s attorney Christopher Williams asked Gallatin County Justice of the Peace Bryan Adams for a continuance, citing new documents uncovered in the case. A new date was set for Feb. 14.

After the hearing the Chronicle asked what the new documents in the case were. Williams said there was nothing the publication hadn’t already covered...
Is it bad that by only reading the title of the thread and who started it I already knew which party the potential senator belonged to?
Is it bad that by only reading the title of the thread and who started it I already knew which party the potential senator belonged to?
No, unless it took you two months to figure that out. :D What do you think of Downing vs. the liberal Montana FWP deep state?
Is it bad that by only reading the title of the thread and who started it I already knew which party the potential senator belonged to?

I hope you also know how much the person who started the thread does for public land access.
Posted by 375H&H
Is it bad that by only reading the title of the thread and who started it I already knew which party the potential senator belonged to?

Are you implying my post was partisan, that I am a Democrat with an agenda, the sole reason for posting?
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Agreed. Residency requirements can be a little trickier to satisfy than a simple reading would indicate. I can see some room for confusion with those citations. Transferring a tag and allowing his son to use his drivers licence to buy a resident tag when his son was a clear resident of California goes beyond confusion. I see intent to knowingly violate easily understood FWP laws.

Not someone I'd be excited about representing my interests.

OK, I have to step in. I think it would be silly to imply Kat spends equal time busting democrats, but that's because the threats to things she is fighting for (habitat and access) are coming from the "R" party. Not every R is a bad person, but every bad person has been an R. If you know of a viable D threatening habitat or access in a close election against a quality R by all means speak up. I have no doubt Kat would filet that person regardless of party.

So, yeah, it should be obvious the party affiliation of the people being attacked, but that should cause you to question that party's agenda, not Kat's.
Is it bad that by only reading the title of the thread and who started it I already knew which party the potential senator belonged to?

Well, I have waited 2 hours for an answer to my question, and I know, that just because your green light is lit, doesn't mean that you are actually looking at this thread, though you have commented on two other posts on the forum since then. I will admit, sometimes I still have Hunt Talk open while doing other things, like in this last two hours (day off from conservation) I have watched an episode of Jimmy Kimmel on youtube, read a study on Neuroprotective effects of a triple GLP-1/GIP/glucagon receptor agonist in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease that has applications towards treating diabetes, read a faulty study on sapiosexuality that is unfortunately being posted all over the internet, and am finishing up my kindle book on quantum physics in neruoplasticity (this one is really exciting).

But, I also took a few minutes to "read" your comment history on this forum, cause I actually do read. Like your being from North Bend, worked in mining, where my Republican family is from, as well as Coos Bay, owning mining, logging and sawmill companies. Had you actually read my comment history you would have seen my posts about being raised a Republican, becoming an Independent, interviewing and publicly advocating for Republican candidates like Jeffrey Welborn in Dillon, Bruce Grubbs in Bozeman and Pat Connell in Hamilton. I really like Republican (Roosevelt Republican) Jon Knokey in Bozeman, we discussed an interview. He and Republican Geraldine Custer (I like her too) both exchanged email conversations with me this legislative session on certain bills we were concerned about.

You might have also seen posts I made commenting against Democrats Tester and Bullock, in fact they were included in my newsletters and Bullock was the subject of 5 of my editorial cartoons (not favorably). All items which I have posted here at the forum over the years. It does help that Bullock got rid of Baker as his Natural Resource guy, otherwise, there would probably be more that I would object to coming out of Bullocks office. I also publicaly jumped on the MT Democrats for calling themselves the "Party of the People" when they only had 28 county committes in a state with 56 counties, again posting the maps and info at this forum.

Since I have been spending time doing FWP Game Warden citation research, which I have posted about on this forum, Downing citations are of interest to me as a conservation hunter/angler.

Is it bad, in my opinion, that I suspect your statement behind your question is not only flawed, not based on facts, but makes me question your agenda behind such a post? What's your skin in this MT election game? I actually live in this state.

"Country over Party", Republican Senator Jeff Flake.

For me it is also Conservation over Party.
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Well, I have waited 2 hours for an answer to my question, and I know, that just because your green light is lit, doesn't mean that you are actually looking at this thread, though you have commented on two other posts on the forum since then. I will admit, sometimes I still have Hunt Talk open while doing other things, like in this last two hours (day off from conservation) I have watched an episode of Jimmy Kimmel on youtube, read a study on Neuroprotective effects of a triple GLP-1/GIP/glucagon receptor agonist in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease that has applications towards treating diabetes, read a faulty study on sapiosexuality that is unfortunately being posted all over the internet, and am finishing up my kindle book on quantum physics in neruoplasticity (this one is really exciting).

But, I also took a few minutes to "read" your comment history on this forum, cause I actually do read. Like your being from North Bend, worked in mining, where my Republican family is from, as well as Coos Bay, owning mining, logging and sawmill companies. Had you actually read my comment history you would have seen my posts about being raised a Republican, becoming an Independent, interviewing and publicly advocating for Republican candidates like Bruce Grubbs in Bozeman and Pat Connell in Hamilton. I really like Republican (Roosevelt Republican) Jon Knokey in Bozeman, we discussed an interview. He and Republican Geraldine Custer (I like her too) both exchanged email conversations with me this legislative session on certain bills we were concerned about.

You might have also seen posts I made commenting against Democrats Tester and Bullock, in fact they were included in my newsletters and Bullock was the subject of 5 of my editorial cartoons (not favorably). All items which I have posted here at the forum over the years. It does help that Bullock got rid of Baker as his Natural Resource guy, otherwise, there would probably be more that I would object to coming out of Bullocks office. I also publicaly jumped on the MT Democrats for calling themselves the "Party of the People" when they only had 28 county committes in a state with 56 counties, again posting the maps and info at this forum.

Since I have been spending time doing FWP Game Warden citation research, which I have posted about on this forum, Downing citations are of interest to me as a conservation hunter/angler.

Is it bad, in my opinion, that I suspect your statement behind your question is not only flawed, not based on facts, but makes me question your agenda behind such a post? What's your skin in this MT election game? I actually live in this state.

"Country over Party", Republican Senator Jeff Flake.

For me it is also Conservation over Party.

"A simple wrong would have done just fine." - Billy Madison

I work in MT, ND, WY, and CO so politics in those states I am always curious about as they will affect me.

Either way, a tip of my mining hat to you Kat.
Well, I have waited 2 hours for an answer to my question, and I know, that just because your green light is lit, doesn't mean that you are actually looking at this thread, though you have commented on two other posts on the forum since then. I will admit, sometimes I still have Hunt Talk open while doing other things, like in this last two hours (day off from conservation) I have watched an episode of Jimmy Kimmel on youtube, read a study on Neuroprotective effects of a triple GLP-1/GIP/glucagon receptor agonist in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease that has applications towards treating diabetes, read a faulty study on sapiosexuality that is unfortunately being posted all over the internet, and am finishing up my kindle book on quantum physics in neruoplasticity (this one is really exciting).

But, I also took a few minutes to "read" your comment history on this forum, cause I actually do read. Like your being from North Bend, worked in mining, where my Republican family is from, as well as Coos Bay, owning mining, logging and sawmill companies. Had you actually read my comment history you would have seen my posts about being raised a Republican, becoming an Independent, interviewing and publicly advocating for Republican candidates like Jeffrey Welborn in Dillon, Bruce Grubbs in Bozeman and Pat Connell in Hamilton. I really like Republican (Roosevelt Republican) Jon Knokey in Bozeman, we discussed an interview. He and Republican Geraldine Custer (I like her too) both exchanged email conversations with me this legislative session on certain bills we were concerned about.

You might have also seen posts I made commenting against Democrats Tester and Bullock, in fact they were included in my newsletters and Bullock was the subject of 5 of my editorial cartoons (not favorably). All items which I have posted here at the forum over the years. It does help that Bullock got rid of Baker as his Natural Resource guy, otherwise, there would probably be more that I would object to coming out of Bullocks office. I also publicaly jumped on the MT Democrats for calling themselves the "Party of the People" when they only had 28 county committes in a state with 56 counties, again posting the maps and info at this forum.

Since I have been spending time doing FWP Game Warden citation research, which I have posted about on this forum, Downing citations are of interest to me as a conservation hunter/angler.

Is it bad, in my opinion, that I suspect your statement behind your question is not only flawed, not based on facts, but makes me question your agenda behind such a post? What's your skin in this MT election game? I actually live in this state.

"Country over Party", Republican Senator Jeff Flake.

For me it is also Conservation over Party.

I'd call that a full on B!tchSl@p. Glad to see you stood there and took it on the chin 375
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