Caribou Gear Tarp

Uncle Larry - The Final Act?

We love the episodes with Uncle Larry. He’s a hoot!

Congrats Larry, what a great bull.
Three months ago my 74 year old uncle said the MS river was to dangerous for him to fish anymore.
He bought a new boat this past Friday just to fish the MS river in!!
I hope Uncle Larry is healthy and shooting elk next year!
Well done Uncle Larry! When ever I want a good laugh I watch any of the "Uncle's" hunts. All of them crack me up and reminds me of my uncles that taught me to hunt, fish , amongst other things that would get my mom in a tizzy and by today's standards get them arrested for child abuse. Yep uncles like that are becoming a rare find! Thank you @Big Fin for sharing them with us!
Randy, my wife and I have watched you and always looked forward to the next Uncle Larry hunt. Loved it when he shot the "wrong" elk and when he got scoped in one of your earlier seasons. Maybe he can be the camp cook/comedian.
Heck yeah. I love watching the episodes he is a part of. One time my wife yelled downstairs and asked what I was watching because all she heard was the “bleeps”…lol. Congrats on a heck of a bull. Can’t wait to watch it. Well done gents!!
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