ultimate muzzleloader

300 yards realistically can be done with most muzzleloaders costing half the price. The wind drift however IMO is just to great of a risk to take unless you are constantly doing it and practicing.
I shot the deer in my avitar at over 300 this year with my CVA Optima. Properly set up that is at max range for that set up. It's not that it's not accurate enough, it's that even with a hot load (150 grains of 777 magnum pellets x 240 GR SST) the bullet looses too much velocity and you start getting sub par expansion. Muzzleloader bullets were never meant to go that far or maintain a high velocity at long range. I would like to see the bullet recovery on a 550 yard shot....

You can see the enterance, it punched thru his heart, and stoped under the hide on the opposite side. The only bone it hit was one rib on the far side. With out that fresh snow there would of been hard tracking due to the lack of blood. What you see next to him is where he back peddled and fell. Otherwise nothing to speak of.
You can get a smokeless barrel for a handi rifle or encore for about $4-500. In my opinion all muzle loaders are slow loading rifles, smokeless just don't need to be cleaned as often.
Imagine how many more tags there would be and how good the draw odds would be if you had to use stick bows and hawken rifles in these "traditional equipment" seasons.
I was watching Brush C Monsters. They say 1 inch MOA at 500 yds. With a McWhorter Rifles with black horn triple 7 black powder. I dont have 5000.00 to 7000.00 for a ML. That would be crazy.
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