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Ukraine / Russia

I know that is going to seem like a dodge to your question, but it's not meant to be, yes there are a number of factual elements to the piece but as a whole it is biased journalism written to be salacious.
Fair enough, I don't agree with you but it is not an unresonable take
How would you advise the story be written, so as not to be salacious?

"A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop"


Emails founds on Hunter Biden's laptop, reportedly obtained via a repair shop

Trove: a store of valuable or delightful things
Infamous: well known for some bad quality or deed.

Implications-> treasure. For who? Opponents, ie us... us being readers with same politics
Infamous, signaling the reader he's naughty. Foreshadowing that the article is about misdeeds.

Do I need to do the whole article?

There are also a number of occasions were something is presented as happening as a result of something else, but that cause and effect is not proven. They could be unrelated and the author is vague, perhaps intentionally.

Both sides do this, TV pundits are on a whole new level. Recognize it when sources are trying to led you to draw conclusions when they haven't provided arguments for those conclusions.

Yes this absolutely goes both ways.
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The more I read / watch the more I question if humans are slowly breaking away / psychologically degrading from the shock of the civilian deaths such as Bucha, etc. Zelenskyy's Ace card - the global media feed for support. This guy is incredible! His unapologetic, non political background, he continues to rally not only the citizens though also the world... though I fear that repetitive setting is slowly numbing except for those with a vaulted interest. That and continuous time spent with coverage. in a sense, becomes "the norm"...

Meh, observation when chatting with people at the start and into the next month though now? Interest wanes.
I think we in the cushy western world have a hard time understanding how brutal other parts of the world can be. We tune it out if it gets too difficult to comprehend. Remember the Syrian proxy war from 8 years ago? This is how they deal with their enemies. The world can be an ugly place.

I think we in the cushy western world have a hard time understanding how brutal other parts of the world can be. We tune it out if it gets too difficult to comprehend. Remember the Syrian proxy war from 8 years ago? This is how they deal with their enemies. The world can be an ugly place.

Agree. We need not look further than our Cartels just south of us to see the displays of torture publicly displayed. I believe America tunes it out after the first couple months.
Ukraine is so March . Come on Nancy Pelosi has Covid. We moved on, we’re going back to being scared of Covid.

We (Americans) have very short attention spans.
A good portion population enjoys virtue signaling. It makes them feel good like they’re doing something, like they’re helping. Once they are not getting look at me attention they find something else to virtue signal about, so they move onto the next hot topic of injustice in the world.
Most Americans are self-centered. The more Americans are inconvenienced by high gas prices, continued shortages, fertilizer supply issues, etc. the less we care. We want cheap gas, cold beer, and plenty of food. If two corrupt nations on the opposite side of the globe are war crimeing each other most won’t care and I don’t blame them if they don’t.
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Sources matter. Those are the primary documents. All the talking heads are doing is reading those documents and then giving their opinion.

Read them yourselves and form your own opinion.

All I'm saying.
No. They’re just reading the headline provided, as is most of America 🤦🏻‍♂️ Ugh.
They should dig deep into this mess. Lot of potential to uncover grift and corruption from a large number of players.

If you dig deep enough you’ll find corruption and misconduct in “every” story about “every” politician. When will we as people wake up to that. “They” are not on our side. I don’t care what their name is or what side of the aisle they sit on. We as regular people truly mean nothing to “them”. Once we as Americans figure that out, the better off we’ll be and maybe we can move to something more like being “self” governed like our forefathers wished for us.
I think we in the cushy western world have a hard time understanding how brutal other parts of the world can be. We tune it out if it gets too difficult to comprehend. Remember the Syrian proxy war from 8 years ago? This is how they deal with their enemies. The world can be an ugly place.

PROPAGANDA!!!!! come on guys!!!! And girls!!!! We’re all smarter than that I promise. Not saying it didn’t, or doesn’t happen, but it is all PROPAGANDA to play on emotions. Everyone says the Russians just use false narratives and shouldn’t but what do we do.
PROPAGANDA!!!!! #*^@#* come on guys!!!! And girls!!!! We’re all smarter than that I promise. Not saying it didn’t, or doesn’t happen, but it is all PROPAGANDA to play on emotions. Everyone says the Russians just use false narratives and shouldn’t but what do we do.
Just a friendly reminder on the f bombs as I did the same and was rightfully called on it. Keep it a little pg as there are younger users around here.
What is objective media nowadays?

I placed an Australian News clip of legitimate Biden Russian McGaffe and Harris kindergarten explanation of Ukraine / Russia issue as leaders of "the free world" are currently viewed by outside country populations

During a pm exchange between a respected HT friend, he felt the media outlet that aired McGaffe and Harris romper room description was right leaning - akin to FOX and he supported this basis due to an article from a left heavy cranked media outlet!

He wasnt peeved about the truth of Biden's blathering nor Harris A, B, C's... nor that it was aired by the other top media outlets in AU, it dealt with the selected media outlet used for the info I shared as embarrassing.

If the cart holds our opinions, media has trained us to be led by their propaganda.

Haha! Goes to show... our world, our future generations are built by our media.

And if our famous one (not the gent of our PM's referenced) opts to fashion this into a political slanted post, I'd say, check y'er boots... them long arse snouted beasts drop cow patties multiplied! 🤣

This is laced w/ humor and expressed irony related to our media based propaganda machines. Whether it's elephant or donkey crap, it'll stick to y'er boots. ;)